Example sentences of "[to-vb] our [noun sg] on the " in BNC.

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1 And this means that rather than attempting to answer the question " What are experiences ? " , in the manner of the conventional " philosophy of mind " , we ought to concentrate our attention on the question " How do experiences occur ? " , and analyse them qua types of evidential events .
2 Indeed , in this stereotyped world many of us have a longing to do something which is artistically original , in some way to leave our mark on the musical scene .
3 ‘ A number of countries have already indicated that they would accept cattle on that basis but at EC level we have to overcome the problem caused by our wish to retain our restriction on the use of specified offals while other member states , even those with recorded incidences of BSE , have no such ban in place , ’ a spokesman explained .
4 Let's try it again to put our trust on the line , now .
5 Engineering We will continually strive to reduce our impact on the environment by ensuring that environmental issues are considered and the best practicable option is adopted during the design , construction , installation and maintenance of buildings , plant and machinery .
6 The aims of the present study were to characterise the dose response relationship for cholera toxin after intrajejunal administration , to develop a standardised model of intestinal secretion using an intestinal perfusion technique , and to expand our information on the action of cholera toxin on the human jejunum .
7 Oh well , we 'll just have to have our picnic on the mainland .
8 And this has been put in place alongside our position on the Gulf to complete our policy on the Middle East where we were condemning the hypocrisy of the western nations who have been supplying the Third World with arms and then going in there , fighting er just to maintain access to the oil .
9 It has always seemed to us better to face our competition on the basis of our chemical abilities , where we are undoubtedly strong .
10 And they 've hopefully they 're gon na come and see us , to seek our advice on the design techniques that we 've used on East Coast Main Line , and the construction techniques with particular regard to bridges .
11 However , a summons was issued to dismiss our claim on the ground of this supposed privilege , which was refused by the judge at first instance — a refusal confirmed , and emphatically , by the Court of Appeal .
12 ‘ Please accept my apologies for having to cancel our meeting on the 24th January .
13 ‘ It 's just coincidence that we 're ready to make our presentation on the second anniversary of Christensen 's buying out the original company .
14 This harsh reality means that we must do everything possible to limit our impact on the earth .
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