Example sentences of "[to-vb] how [det] [noun pl] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 It is almost always difficult to discover how these men built their fortunes at the beginning , because they leave no significant mark in the records until they have already made some mark in society .
2 Difficult to know how much children knew about the facts of life these days , and anyway it was n't her business to enlighten this one .
3 And in the years after the end of the 1939–45 war there was such a spate of generals ' diaries that it at times seemed difficult to understand how these men had time for the job in hand , so busy were they with their diaries .
4 Experiments have been taken still further , to see how such buildings functioned through use , and in some cases have been left to decay and fall down , or have been burnt down , in order to compare the resulting remains with excavated evidence .
5 After a new series of newspaper advertisements , for example , a firm can test a sample of the readership to ascertain how many readers noticed the advertisement , how many recalled what it said and how many had actually bought the product since reading it .
6 ’ After this horrifying war , which the Serbs started and in which they committed most of the horrors , people will want to ponder how such things came to be said .
7 Some experts maintain that these molluscs were able to swim in the open ocean , or that they were attached to floating seaweed : some such mechanism has to be invoked to explain how these bivalves came into an environment that lacked bottom-living animals .
8 Oh yes , yes , they even had like they used to have savings ' weeks er salute the soldier week , they used to have promotions for National Savings you see and we used to get so much money or where they had a bid thermometer on the car park in Street which is now the extension of the Gala Baths and they used to show how much savings had been put in they used to have targets for people , to put the National Savings in , they used to have an Anglo-American friendship week .
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