Example sentences of "[to-vb] me [prep] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He could n't have rushed passed me into the bedroom , seized the bottle as a convenient weapon — he could n't have known it was there , anyway — and then dashed back out to hit me before dragging me … do you see what I 'm saying ? ’
2 ‘ You have accused me of attacking you , are you also going to suspect me of killing her ? ’
3 I had a husband who was pretending that I did not have cancer , and a mother who tried to inspire me by showing me pictures of Page Three girls under banner headlines of ‘ How I conquered cancer ’ .
4 My cherished Höfner acoustic guitar recently tried to murder me for leaving it in the boot of the car on a hot sunny day .
5 If I accepted this relationship you seem to want , you 'd come to hate me for making you live a lie .
6 ‘ Are you going to charge me with murdering him ? ’
7 And I am sure you will want to join me in wishing them every success and happiness in their new venture and marriage .
8 And it is with every confidence that I tell you I am sure that this young couple will have a very happy marriage , and I would ask you to join me in wishing them both a long , happy , and prosperous future together .
9 He has dedicated his entire career to the development of sport in Scotland and I am sure all Council members will want to join me in thanking him for the commitment he has shown over the years . ’
10 ‘ Why should you dare to refuse me without giving me a reason ? ’ he countered .
11 ‘ They never tried to dissuade me from marrying you . ’
12 There 's nothing to stop me from putting it
13 Helmut had made no effort to restrain me from leaving him .
14 ‘ You had no right , no right at all , to cheat me like that , to con me into thinking I could trust you .
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