Example sentences of "[to-vb] them [adv prt] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But her greatest thrill of all came on the very day they were going home , for the Brownie Guider from Stowbridge came to see them off and she brought the exciting news that a second Pack was being formed at Stowbridge and that the way was now wide open for Brenda to become a Brownie .
2 He was intrigued to analyse her dreams and encouraged her to write them down before he discussed the hidden messages they may have contained .
3 I tried to pull them out but I could n't .
4 She tried again to conjure them up but it was no good : the traffic was too loud and she was too cold .
5 They passed us , waited for us to catch them up and they 're behind us again . ’
6 Well I do n't know , whether they 're trying to catch them out but they they certainly coming down more and more an and sort of more and more frequent .
7 Do n't know I 'm just going to sort them out when I get this card This is lovely board this one is .
8 For governments , large operators can offer reassurance that they will still be in business when today 's disposal facilities have been closed , to monitor them and ( if necessary ) pay to clean them up if they go wrong .
9 I 'm not going to pick them up when you just throw them around like that .
10 He bent to pick them up and I pulled him into the alley and smashed him up against the wall .
11 Initially this new German ‘ victory ’ weapon proved unnerving but before long it became possible for the ‘ V1s ’ to be intercepted by fighter aircraft over the sea , although their speed was a problem , but by moving the bulk of the anti-aircraft artillery units to the Isle of Wight and along the southern coastline of England , it was possible to shoot them down before they reached the London area .
12 sitting in and we 're trying to split them up cos we do n't want too
13 Again , you can still quote them if you wish — it 's the employer 's job to track them down if they want a reference .
14 I have to track them down cos they put them in obscure places sometimes , but there are conference notice boards .
15 I have to tear them up before my wife sees it . ’
16 — She tried to shut them out but it was as if one memory had set free another : they came clamouring now to torment and bewilder her .
17 She was about to pop them in when we heard the strains of the rag and boneman 's cry .
18 I mean some people just do n't expect you to let them out so they 're dreaming mostly .
19 Angry Kath Patient locked the council team in her flat and refused to let them out until they replaced a leaking boiler .
20 Cor , there was boxes of brand new tools come down there , spanners , and they used to be the , like these , like a big chopper , well they used to have couple of all with erm breezed up with erm like greaseproof paper over 'em , bag 'em up into the holds , guns , there was guns , what done with the guns they hit the er , just near the barrel or the trigger , th they used to flatten them out so they could n't use 'em but they all went in the ships bombs , or little shells they used to find in there , all scrap iron .
21 Better find a little dish to put them on so you do n't wa
22 ‘ Good grief — you 're refusing to put them on if they do ?
23 And when I went to go to work I pulled me gloves what I thought out of pocket and was going to put them on and I thought er
24 And that sort of stuff used to go to America , because in er we had quite a big American market in those days because they did n't wash curtains in America , they used to put them up until they dar until they dropped down and then put new curtains up , you see ?
25 Mum had said red was an evil colour but the vicar had told him to put them out so it could n't be a sin .
26 Because it said on the packet you 'll plant them immediately after buying and we do n't know when Aunty Gwen bought them and it might rain tomorrow as well , I think I ought to put them in while it 's fine , now
27 He 'd brought home some hairs from the cross on the back of a donkey when she was cutting her teeth , and Ma had made a little black silk bag to put them in so they could hang round her neck to keep the funny turns away .
28 Now the National Rivers Authority wants to put them back where they belong .
29 See they ai n't got the concrete roads down to put them down when they bought the farm off Sam years later .
30 Whatever the activity , I still see this as the old style … it 's teacher-led from that point of view in that they rely on me to start them off and I mean it 's almost as if I stand there with a gun and say ‘ Go ! ’
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