Example sentences of "[to-vb] them [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Thomas Buchanan had to hit them and push them to the top of the rock .
2 For non-metals if you try to hit them and beat them into sheets or if you try to stretch them you get ?
3 He again went to see them and persuaded them to accompany him to a meeting at the police station with Mr McLean on August 24 .
4 Many old people tell their elderly friends , in confidence , that although they worry sometimes about various things in the house that need attention and are beyond their capabilities , they do n't like to keep mentioning ‘ this and that ’ to their children when they visit , as they are only too delighted to see them and feel it is a bit hard to put them to work as soon as they arrive .
5 I remember when the Andy Warhol lot came with Pork to The Roundhouse — we all went off specially to see them and meet them afterwards . ’
6 And er you know , it 's lovely really to see them and to think they remember you still is n't it .
7 The Conclusions are circulated very promptly after Cabinet , and up to that time , no minister , certainly not the prime minister , asks to see them or conditions them in any way . ’
8 I can see no moral difference between seeking out mongol children in the womb to kill them and putting them into gas chambers after birth .
9 And what he used to do in this , he had a string in the and er he could the string put some some er crumbs in the in the er in a and the birds go in and he used to he used to catch them and we used to kill them and pluck them you know .
10 Using a cream gives time for the hydrogen peroxide to be in contact with the bacteria in order to kill them or inhibit their division .
11 ‘ But I would like to thank them and let them know how very grateful I am and how much it helps to know his grave is being cared for . ’
12 She had originally intended to resell them but found she had grown attached to them and had built shelves in her sitting-room .
13 You see traditionally people used to think of an evaluation as something that was very convergent and first people gathered lots of evidence , and then they wrote a set of recommendations or conclusions , and you were supposed to agree them or follow them afterwards .
14 In Africa visitors are looked upon as a blessing and people go out of their way to meet them and make them feel truly welcome and at home .
15 Whereas here , you 're still very busy , but er you have the membership just on your doorstep and you can get to meet them and know them a lot closer than you would when you 're having er a large volume of people filing through your doors in the city centre .
16 Gust of warmth , beer and music rushing out to meet them and suck them in towards the bar .
17 At an ordinary time it would have been almost impossible to enter undetected , but tomorrow morning , when the Lord of Parfois brought home from France his forty knights and their followings , and the entire population of the castle came out to meet them and bring them in , then one more insignificant boy might very well slip unnoticed into the throng and get by the guard at the gate unchallenged .
18 I have to accept them and face them and then I can learn how to deal with them .
19 When they were long enough , he intended to curl them and allow them to extend down at the sides of his mouth .
20 The ideological demand that communists should seek to improve the accommodation of the people was subordinate to the aspiration to house them in such a way as to make it easier to supervise them and mould them as the Party saw fit .
21 If females are concentrated together then it is much easier for a single male to herd them and defend them from other males .
22 But they are intended to illustrate the very general point that we can not know in advance the belief systems of the communities we are studying ; an important part of good fieldwork practice is to get to know them and take them into account at all stages of the research , up to and beyond the time of publication .
23 Such men as Joseph Crawhall of Newcastle , Andrew Tuer and Claud Lovat Fraser have striven to revive them and imitate them , with their woodcuts , their simple stories and their irresistible humour .
24 For a start , he kept losing the notes , and then , when he had managed to find them and set them out on his desk , he seemed to lack the will to start work on them .
25 The people who add value are all around us , we 've got to find them and empower them to drive the changes which will make ICI a stronger player in all its businesses .
26 The burrows of these robber wasps are usually concealed so skilfully that few other animals are able to find them and rob them .
27 When we whip cream the forces applied to the fat particles by the flowing liquid can be large enough to deform them and make them ellipsoidal ( shaped like rugby balls ) .
28 The Thames was flowing full and furious , the water greedily lapping their feet as if it would like to catch them and drag them under its swollen black surface .
29 The tiny parrot was a thrilling novelty , and before long every visitor to the Australian colonies was attempting to catch them and bring them back as souvenirs .
30 There are something like 50,000 individual genes providing the genetic blueprint for each individual , and our task is really to find out where each one is on human chromosomes and to isolate them and to characterise them .
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