Example sentences of "[to-vb] out for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mick was there first and climbed onto the tailboard to pull out for the rogue two of Paddy 's cans ( a fact which Paddy was slow to forget ) .
2 Will you be able to come out for a drink on New Year 's Eve , next Tuesday evening ? ’
3 The Samaritans have threatened to call in the police if I do not stop pestering them with phone calls , and Alcoholics Anonymous refuse to come out for a drink and discuss my problem .
4 I promise to come out for a drink or dinner , even a game of tennis with you . ’ ’
5 When this is suggested , the invitation should always be along the lines of : ‘ I 'd love you to come out for a run in the car with me some time .
6 We were in Glasgow last weekend , and were quite chuffed when Ewan consented to come out for a walk just with us two , as he clings to Joyce a bit at the moment .
7 The presenting problem should be recognised , for example , ‘ Your niece wondered if you would like us to arrange for you to come out for the day once a week ? ’
8 They therefore wanted information items to spell out for the workers what would and would not be appropriate action to take .
9 I know when to duck out for a breather .
10 In one task — rhyme monitoring — subjects were asked to listen out for a word which rhymed with a cue word given in advance ( e.g. doubt ) .
11 In the other task — category monitoring — subjects were asked to listen out for a word belonging to a particular semantic category ( e.g. fish ) .
12 When we reach the pit straight again , exceeding 130 mph , Brundle tells me to listen out for the tone of screaming on the front left tyre .
13 Even though she tried to listen out for the sound of a returning car , the castle and the road leading up to it remained as silent as the grave .
14 The baby 's attention is drawn to the potty before being placed on it : the aim was to teach the babies to reach out for the potty to indicate they wanted to use it .
15 It took all her strength to reach out for the receiver and raise it stiffly to her ear .
16 It swung open as he was about to reach out for the handle .
17 However , the practices and procedures which the team has adopted seem to have been shaped more directly by a -latent agenda of issues : a preference amongst the team 's management for a " hands on service ; the maintenance , until recently , of a strong health authority orientation to the team ( a hospital base , the dominance of the psychiatrist 's authority , the hospital itself as a central feature of the Borough 's service pattern ) ; a separatism which has been maintained between the social workers and the CMHNs over the team 's access to health and social service resources , so that social workers may refer clients for social service resources , and nurses for health authority resources , but not vice versa ; These features have tended to rule out for the team any sustained attention to the developmental role — a role which is certainly a part of its official brief , but which is clearly not a priority in terms of its current practice .
18 The next time they are able to gather together enough courage to set out for the supermarket they may get only as far as point B before they have had enough , anticipating more extreme levels of anxiety if they continue .
19 I 'll try and get some mates to help out for the crack . ’
20 20–6–1860 It was understood that Mr Sutherland intended to resign from the school at Mulindry and the Moderator was instructed to look out for a successor .
21 I was told to look out for a redstart at the next bend , its black face and chestnut tail showing for brief moments as it darted into the open , out and back , fly catching .
22 They 're asking people to look out for the substances which were in a large grey plastic box .
23 SUMMER nights are very short and not the right time of the year to look out for the stars .
24 Fighting the Empire you have to look out for the Helblaster volley gun .
25 And the police have alerted banks , building societies , pubs and traders to look out for the notes .
26 Realising the vindictive nature of this man , and knowing how he had conditioned her husband since he was a child , Beth felt obliged to look out for the interests of those she loved .
27 Britain 's docks and airports have been alerted to look out for the suspects .
28 Britain 's docks and airports have been alerted to look out for the suspects .
29 Do n't forget to look out for the Debenhams Bright Futures competition in our June issue !
30 I 'm gon na have to pop out for a moment .
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