Example sentences of "[to-vb] what [be] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 It can also be used to indicate what is to be presented by the speaker as the topic .
2 I would like to know what 's to be in it , when is the trial audit going to be , I suppose it 's in my diary , em .
3 It is all very well to insist that causes have or are powers or whatever , but we need to know what is to be understood by that .
4 These people may of course want to keep their knowledge secret so as to avoid any involvement in criminal proceedings , which is not helpful to creditors and to credit managers wanting to know what is to be salvaged from the wreck .
5 They can not risk their freedom by authorizing a standard of value to define what is to be maximized by a teleological principle of justice .
6 It should then be possible to add to this minimal definition more closely to define what is to be done .
7 A few minutes before 5pm on Sunday , December 1st , all France it seemed was either holding its breath or , like team captain , Yannick Noah , was in prayer , as Forget , who had been well beaten in the opening rubber of the match by Andre Agassi , prepared to serve what was to be the final game of the 1991 competition .
8 It is also a very time-consuming process as it of course doubles the viewing time to select what is to be edited .
9 A decision to leave what is to be done for a particular child … to the school is not itself , in my judgment , a determination of the special educational provision for the child … which would necessitate the making of a statement .
10 First , they may be designed not finally to determine what is to be done in certain circumstances but merely to determine what ought to be done on the basis of certain considerations .
11 if the interpreter is also acting as culture broker , guide , philosopher and friend several things can happen ; the level of interpreting accuracy diminishes as the interpreter addresses these additional roles , both the non-English and English speaking clients lose control over the content of what is said , and , if the interpreter takes it upon themselves to decide what is to be interpreted , the standard of service usually diminishes .
12 Even where an authoritative decision is meant finally to settle what is to be done it may be open to challenge on certain grounds , e.g. if an emergency occurs , or if the directive violates fundamental human rights , or if the authority acted arbitrarily .
13 One response which can be made to the gap which exists between the world in which Christianity came into being and the present world is to allow what is to be held to be essentially normative for the religion to reside in the past .
14 However , rules have been developed to standardize what is to be included in the definition of final product ; meals , for example , are always included as final goods .
15 She turned the corner and glanced up at the hoarding above the cinema 's portico , to see what was to be her fate for the next three hours .
16 Peter was given the authority to declare what was to be allowed and accepted in the Church .
17 ‘ It is for the Justices to say what is to be done .
18 It may be useful to say what is to be done if one party does not pay his share of the expert 's fees .
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