Example sentences of "[to-vb] well [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The ability to work well as a member of a team is a life skill and one which is increasingly valued in the world of work .
2 Neither should one underrate the rig 's ability to work well with a processor in order to create the kind of modern guitar sounds which , in a mix , are voiced at exactly the right point to cut through …
3 It has a more compact cellular structure so it is difficult for moisturisers to work well on the epidermis .
4 At this stage perhaps I can emphasize Jan this is such a flexible concept that er we are anxious not to lay down any rigid rules as to how it works because if some things do n't work very well , they can be altered and if some things do prove to work well like the event we had at Felixstowe we can build on that success so quite consciously we 're not laying down any rigid rules as to how things go and we will look to review how officers we , we erm advise you as members in the light of practical experience .
5 She answered Berlin ; it was a city she had come to know well over the years .
6 Grease and line a 15cm/6in round cake tin and an 18cm/7in round cake tin with a double layer of greaseproof paper , then wrap the tins with a collar of double thickness brown paper — it needs to stand well above the tin .
7 He emphasises the need for the finance director to relate well to the business .
8 The only way to write well for an instrument and exploit its full potentials is to know it intimately well .
9 For years the yield from customs had been declining , in part because the rates were allowed to lag well behind the rise in prices , in part because of bad management .
10 If someone has suffered severe hearing loss for many years and suddenly is able to hear well through an aid , he is likely to have the same experience of surprise .
11 ‘ But I do n't need incentives to play well in the World Cup , just playing for my country is enough .
12 They continue to grow well beyond the size at which they would normally change shape and become as big , if not bigger , than the land-living form .
13 The connection between Phoenix and Kuwait is likely to extend well beyond the fate of these luxury hotels .
14 Neither the neo-Nazi thugs nor the Republicans who threaten to do well at the polls next year point to anything like a return to the days of Hitler .
15 All that was needed was for one kind of film to do well at the box-office and a new Hollywood format would be established .
16 If we 're going to do any more quizzes this is the sort of thing we 're going to need to know to do well on the sports sections .
17 ‘ I want to do well for the club but I seem to be heading up a blind alley and maybe a move is the only solution .
18 At the SCG I was impressed with the way the South African pace bowlers tightened line and length after somewhat loose opening period of play no doubt caused by first-time tension and over-eagerness to do well for the folks back home .
19 ‘ My game is suited to doubles because I return well , ’ he said yesterday , ‘ but my priority is to do well as a singles player . ’
20 Nina Holloway is another hoping to do well in the classic , she 's from Warborough in Oxfordshire .
21 It was widely believed that City were no more guilty than a great many other clubs keen to do well in the emergency competitions .
22 actually Galatasaray and other turkish teams seem to do well in the european cups from time to time … i do not have the stat 's right here ( or anywhere else ; - ) ) — but i 'm quite sure if you check it out you will see that G. have knocked out some other ‘ great teams ’ before Scum .
23 The consequence was " chaos " resulting from " the absence of any broad general basis of education , such as English offers " , and from the lack of an English " compactly enough built to do well in the scramble " .
24 ‘ Ever since my father got as far as the fourth fence when leading the field on Zimulator in L'Escargot 's year in 1975 , I have wanted to do well in the race , ’ he told me .
25 So we must look to do well in the States . ’
26 In addition , for economic as well as morale-building reasons , he has to do well in the county championships .
27 Do you think that teachers really do n't expect them to do well in the sciences and perhaps even positively discourage them from going into science ?
28 My support for Leeds is just as great as my hatred of the scum , so I for one will be rooting for a 1 nil defeat on saturday , with Leeds hopefully going on to do well in the FA cup .
29 I had enjoyed Hope and the work we did at night , but I detested working at night , as I had never managed to sleep well during the day .
30 Just as with the predicate qualifiers , the occupation by postverbals of a syntactic position more commonly taken by an adverb seems to accord well with the fact that a favoured form for questioning them is how ? , unless pre-empted by a question based on pragmatic categories such as what colour ? .
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