Example sentences of "[to-vb] my [noun] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Further to our recent telephone conversation I am writing to confirm my instruction that you help to organise and attend a meeting between CPRW , the Gwent and Brecknock Wildlife Trusts , and the promoters of the above bill , Newport Borough Council .
2 I have now resumed and read enough to assure my correspondent that he is lucky that his impatient reminder was directed at me and not at God , whose response to murmurings about the unforeseen delays in reaching the promised land was smiting with pestilence .
3 Back on the mainland the new road from Kyle of Lochalsh , the A.87 , closely follows the shore of Loch Alsh , making unnecessary the extra miles of the old route , and when they meet at Balmacara , the channel of Kyle Rhea is clearly seen across the water , the mainland confronting Skye and both doing their best to support my theory that they were once joined here like Siamese twins .
4 It would take far too long to tell you in detail how I identified the specific genetic patterns of these chromosomes ; you 'll have to accept my assurance that I believe I did identify them . ’
5 On making a very despondent journey home my wife greeted me at the door with the astounding statement that the property had been found and handed into a branch of a building society and the member of the staff had telephoned to inform my wife that it was there to collect .
6 It was only when I started to receive my magazine that I realised just how courageous the lifeboat crews are .
7 However , to illustrate my belief that nothing has really changed , while I was taking a few notes from a caddie in Montpellier in the south of France — he was telling me how ‘ we 'd hit a great pitch in at the last ’ — I happened to notice the sign above the caddie shack .
8 In my answers to the Murray Commission , I was not very complimentary to 40-overs Sunday cricket , thinking based on the fact that this version of the game is the one furthest removed from ‘ proper ’ cricket , and that over the 1991 season I had become so disenchanted with the Sunday slog ( in both senses ) that I had played so consistently badly on the Sabbath as to persuade my employers that somebody else might be more usefully selected on the day .
9 I managed to persuade my husband that we should send daughter number three to what is reliably known as the most expensive school in Britain .
10 That the programme was taking place at all was an amazing thing in itself , but when I heard people in the studio audience talking of the need to sacrifice the hostages now for the sake of others in the future , just as they had in Day to Day nine months previously , I wondered why so few people seemed to share my view that we were being duped into believing that teaching the terrorists a lesson was the sole issue .
11 A : I was trying to convince my friend that he could fly
12 My headmaster and a teacher , after a long struggle , managed to convince my Papa that it was in my best interest to pursue such a training .
13 It took me all day to convince my mother that there had been a change , but by the next afternoon I found myself flat on my back in the hospital again with injunctions not to move .
14 I am bound to say My Lords that my own view is still that the size within the limits laid down by statute with a minimum of sixteen or eighteen and maximum of twenty-four would best be determined locally and if we 're not going in for a national police force , I still ca n't see what it has to do with the Secretary of State and why the Home Office should be settling the size of forty-three or so police authorities .
15 My dear Paul , in ten minutes I am going to tell my board that I have become a convert to Catastrophe Theory .
16 You know , I was embarrassed to tell my mother that I was pregnant , because it showed that I had had sex .
17 Anyhow , all this time Naylor was trying to tell my mother that I was a big lad now , but when I did n't turn up all day Saturday , he and my father had their work cut out in trying to calm her .
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