Example sentences of "[to-vb] if [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Following on from the theory of inflation as a display , it would be interesting to know if anything has ever been observed on the breeding activity of these fish , as an even more outrageous through occurs to me in that maybe the Puffer is one sex of the species exhibiting its mating display .
2 I was toying with the idea of running one amongst us Leeds fans over the net , but I would just like to know if anyone 's even been in one before , and what it is like .
3 ‘ He wants to know if you know where she works . ’
4 Oh no I just wanted to know if you wanted any that was all .
5 You will not be able to find out all you need to know if you do not have a clear idea before you go into the interview of :
6 They wanted to know if he had ever grown a beard ?
7 The AS presumably indicates Andrew Stavanger , and the TMJ will be his secretary , or one of the typing staff And it reads sensibly enough — it is just the sort of letter that he might have been expected to write if he got back to his office late and were told that you had been trying to get in touch with him .
8 Ashley had swung to a middle-aged woman beside her to demand if she knew when the camera shot changed .
9 and you see you 're allowed to comment if you have n't got that licence now .
10 The questions had chased each other round and round , finding terrible answers , until he knew he would start to scream if he did not shut them out .
11 Politicians are n't going to stick their necks out to help break up the various logjams unless we 're shouting and yelling at them from the bank — for the most part to encourage them , but also to warn them of dire consequences to come if they get out of the hot water before the job is done .
12 ‘ You do n't have to come if you do n't want to .
13 ‘ You do n't have to come if you do n't want to , Mum .
14 They would n't have got me to come if I had n't had , if I .
15 I know where to come if I run out of tea bags .
16 And in so far as it , as the question arises erm of what kind of , of provisions erm are you going to find if you go abroad , erm then I think we can say that within the European Community , erm citizens of one member state are entitled to what the citizens of the member state in which they happen to be staying are entitled to .
17 Now you do n't have to worry if you go out and forget to turn your styler off — Hot Shot does it for you !
18 It 's the sort of thing it is easy to observe if you stand around in the garage during practice or generally stick around a team , watching who gets the first briefing , who is paying more attention to whom .
19 They will not lend any further sums unless they hold jewels as security , and more , unless they may have letters patent to give them the right to sell if they do not get repayment by the date appointed .
20 So it is also the diet to choose if you have sensibly taken to heart the well-established benefits of reducing fat intake .
21 • To make him vomit , give your child water to drink if he has not eaten recently .
22 Beyond that sea rises a mountain range and beyond that stretches a vast desert where the sun twists round and beats down so hot it would dry out an eagle 's wings and turn them to dust if he flew too long .
23 In such cases someone who says ‘ I know ’ lays himself open to reproach if what he says turns out to be false in much the same way as someone who says ‘ I promise ’ lays himself open to reproach if he does not do what he promised to do .
24 Emily tried to remember if she had ever known in the days of seeing him that he was such a strong swimmer , but nothing much came back .
25 As Henry watched her retreating buttocks , grinding out yet another dismissal , he tried to remember if there had ever been a time , years ago , when he had desired her .
26 The cows I could see grazed on and on , and I was trying to remember if I had ever seen an ox grazing instead of working .
27 The guys here would be the first to refuse to participate if they did n't like the way they were portrayed .
28 Huge unemployment resulted and East Europeans began to wonder if they had not been better off in economic isolation — though there was no going back on political reform .
29 For just a second she thought she saw a flicker of admiration in his eyes , but it was gone in a flash , leaving her to wonder if she 'd simply imagined the look .
30 She was even beginning to wonder if she 'd really been in love with Hugh — properly in love .
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