Example sentences of "[to-vb] their [noun sg] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Danish farmers are also keen to try their hand at outdoor systems , which we have seen emerging in the UK over the past five years , and trials have already begun . ’
2 One reason for the ubiquity of chants lies in the fact that a large number of fans move around the country to support their team at away games .
3 She owed money at the site shop where the tenants were forced to buy their paraffin at inflated prices , and , though the Assistance Board was making her an allowance , she was so deeply in debt that there was no possibility of getting straight .
4 You must also understand the functions and inherent errors in the control and performance instruments and understand how to check their accuracy at recognised stages .
5 If foreign bankers thought that the UK was not serious about balancing its books at some future time , they would be reluctant to lend their money at low interest .
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