Example sentences of "[to-vb] their [noun] because of " in BNC.

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1 Females are more prominent among the unemployed for two main reasons : they are disproportionately employed in seasonal work and , as there are now more economically active women than ever before , they are as likely as men to lose their jobs because of recession .
2 If the right hon. Gentleman had done his homework — rather unusually — better than he has , he would know , first , that the change in the 16-week rule was introduced after lengthy consultations with building societies and , secondly , that at the time , they said that there was no reason for people to lose their homes because of that reduction ; nor have they .
3 Their catches are going down , and people are afraid to buy their fish because of the fears about pollution .
4 PEOPLE suffering from HIV and Aids have been forced to leave their communities because of a lack of understanding , says a health promotion adviser .
5 There are no exact figures for the numbers of Salvadoreans who have been forced to leave their homes because of the civil war , Some are economic refugees , but the great majority have fled because of the repression .
6 Staff already worried by changes in the health service might also be tempted to leave their jobs because of added uncertainty about their futures .
7 According to this author , management may be related to formal authority within an organisation and managers-get others to do their bidding because of their organisational position .
8 Two weeks ago the couple , whose income is £73,000 a year , planned to restructure their finances because of fear of a hung Parliament or a Labour win .
9 1989 : 289–90 ) we acknowledged that these ought to have been an ‘ irresistible combination ’ ; yet too often they failed to deliver their potential because of a lack of linkage between the key elements , particularly between advisory staff , heads , PNP coordinators and class teachers .
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