Example sentences of "[to-vb] been [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 The increasing processing and chemicalization of our food and drink appears to have been a major factor in the rise of chronic disease in this country in the past three to four decades by causing much chemical stress on the body and its inner metabolic balances .
32 It is somewhat paradoxical that structural shift does not appear to have been a major factor in productivity growth after the war , because it is well known that structural imbalances contributed substantially to unemployment between the wars .
33 In archaeological literature , goods imported in small quantities have often been studied under the general term of ‘ prestige goods ’ , and , as such , control over these resources appears to have been a major factor in the rise and fall of early social hierarchies ( Friedman and Rowlands 1977 ) .
34 Individual union policy seems to have been a major factor behind signing technology agreements , most of which derive from four white collar unions : APEX ( general clerical union ) , ASTMS ( general technical and supervisory union ) , NALGO ( local government staff ) and TASS ( technical staff in engineering ) .
35 In respect of the inquiry into Leicestershire county council , in general there appears to have been a major cover-up by those responsible for the care and welfare of these children .
36 He personified the pre-war amateur at his peak , a kindly engaging man who was well placed to have been a major influence in the game had he been of a more forceful character .
37 In the non-chronicle sources there are suggestions of rivalry over Calais , where Hastings had replaced Rivers as lieutenant in 1471 , and there may also have been some friction over the Ferrers inheritance , although this does not seem to have been a major issue .
38 In the non-chronicle sources there are suggestions of rivalry over Calais , where Hastings had replaced Rivers as lieutenant in 1471 , and there may also have been some friction over the Ferrers inheritance , although this does not seem to have been a major issue .
39 It demonstrates what appears to have been a major weakness of the UK economy , namely that the UK has required over the last twenty years a higher rate of gross investment to produce a given increase in output , than did West Germany , France , Japan , the USA or Canada .
40 This seems to have been a major attempt on the part of Oswiu , by associating himself with Ecgberht 's archbishop-elect and by a recognition of the authority of Canterbury , to establish a new beginning for the Anglo-Saxon Church .
41 In the year preceding School F's invitation to participate , the head led a campaign to improve the physical environment in what appears to have been a concerted effort to convince the local authority of the high priority given by the school to its library .
42 The winning of " possession " in 1985 after a long struggle in the courts will prove to have been a shallow victory if the protection attaches [ sic ] to this status is to be further undermined , leaving absolute control once again in the hands of the " greater possessors " , the owners .
43 Despite the small numbers attending ( and consequent loss ) the gathering was felt to have been a successful occasion , judging by the comments of participants and workshop leaders .
44 The tour was considered to have been a successful public relations exercise .
45 We decided to schedule an hour and a half each week for work on the additional assessment , and this seems to have been a successful approach .
46 ‘ From information received this seems to have been a stupid prank , ’ said a Britannia spokeswoman .
47 She was a national leader in the W.C.T.U. ( Women 's Christian Temperance Union ) but in spite of her reputation for being austere , dogmatic and old-fashioned , I considered myself fortunate to have been a personal friend of Nellie McClung .
48 It appears that severity of illness or disability is likely to have been a critical variable , and in cases of severe disability , health would have been an overriding consideration .
49 In the first few years of the informal concordat under the RAC , there appears to have been a tacit agreement that in Cambridgeshire the WEA attempted to provide few courses , largely it is thought because of its financial problems .
50 This plan came to grief , however , when Waters , in an attempt to establish friendly relations , gave a prospective producer a copy of one of his books , which showed the idiosyncratic director palling up with one of Charles Manson 's gang — a gesture which was in even worse taste than it might sound , as the producer proved to have been a good friend of one of the gang 's victims .
51 Of course , there also appear to have been a good number of people who regarded her as an eccentric or a ‘ mope ’ .
52 Indeed in the circumstances in which he found the community there is likely to have been a good deal of disorder .
53 Most of my informants retained very happy memories of the atmosphere of the composing-room , possibly a little coloured by the passage of time ; but there does seem to have been a good deal of good humour and fun .
54 That seems to have been a good move on their part .
55 It ca n't have been easy to have been a good Muslim in Cheltenham , thought Robert !
56 Cemaleddin Aksarayi 's connection with Amasya is more fully developed in Husameddin 's earlier where he is said to have been a fellow student of Hajji Shadgeldi 's ; to have become kadi in Amasya in 763/1361 when Hajji Shadgeldi took power ; to have been raised from the kadilik and the muderrislik of the Dar al- " ilm medrese to the kazaskerlik in/about 768/1366–7 ; and to have remained such until after Hajji Shadgeldi 's defeat and death in battle with Kadi Burhan al-Din in 783/1381 , whereupon Cemaleddin Aksarayi fled to Konya .
57 If one takes the views of the architects explicitly asked this question in the AMERG survey then the reforms seem to have been a mixed blessing ( 42 per cent thinking them to be beneficial and 29 per cent not to be ) .
58 If ( as he may well have done ) he thought that he was the Messiah , then his choosing of the twelve would seem to have been a symbolic action , through which he should indicate to people who he was .
59 There appears to have been a substantial number of ‘ rank and file ’ supporters scattered across the whole of both Galilee and Judaea .
60 From that time onward the flow of migrants from the West Indies to Britain has declined steadily : recently there seems to have been a net outflow .
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