Example sentences of "[to-vb] but [pron] do [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The compromise of an extendible lead gives him some freedom to wander but it does give rise to ‘ incidents ’ .
2 In this case and if the time constant RC also happens to equal the pulse duration τ Thus As anticipated , this integral is difficult to evaluate but it does reduce to the solution expected from chapter 4 of when when when Help with difficult inverse Fourier transforms is often available from special tables .
3 I did not threaten to resign but I did make it clear that I would not endorse changes I could not justify .
4 Since then he has failed to win but he did show signs of his old ability when third in the Kim Muir at Cheltenham under Ulster 's Paddy Graffin and the connections are hopeful that he will run a big race at Aintree .
5 It seems to me that all of us in this chamber have at one time or another , wanted to actually spend money erm it comes programme of committees , I do n't think it 's behoved upon me at the moment to transgress on what programme committees are actually er but to predict exactly where they will want their expenditure to go but I do know is that there is a huge backlog of member generated aspirations in terms of the environmental improvements , traffic calming facilities , particulary which I suspect were actually generated mildly in excess of the figures which we have before us tonight which is why we clearly leave open that further bids against capital can be made in the course of the next three years , erm which will be assessed against the overall financial position of the council and I think the council much more than that .
6 I know Fran Cotton has a business to run but it did spoil the World Cup celebrations for many .
7 You can knit to shape but I do prefer a modified ‘ cut and sew ’ technique .
8 Drama school is n't going to teach anybody to act but it does give the vital techniques with which to act and gives you a chance to make mistakes , experiment and find out about yourself .
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