Example sentences of "[to-vb] with [conj] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although planning has its positive aspects and much is written and debated about improving this side of the system , it has to work with and adapt to economic demand ; when it strays too far from that reality it fails .
2 At the other extreme , I can elect to work with and respond to those who give evidence of wishing to work mathematically , and simply keep some semblance of order amongst the rest .
3 An opportunity to work with and care for people of all races , communities and creeds .
4 A participatory style is adopted and this , together with the international recruitment , give participants the opportunity to work with and learn from colleagues operating is a wide range of teaching contexts .
5 The work of psychiatrists such as Maxwell Jones , who established the first therapeutic community , shows that the nurse who is given time to talk with and listen to patients is a most potent healing force for the human spirit .
6 These and others ; schoolteachers , students , the.police , media , and even researchers , are welcome , if only , ‘ to show kids that there are other adults besides teachers around the place prepared to talk with and listen to them ’ .
7 Suggested model memoranda and articles for both limited and unlimited companies are included in this pack and certain provisions in those models ( or provisions to like effect ) are identified in an introductory notes as being necessary if the incorporated practice is to be able to comply with and remain in compliance with the Rules .
8 Certain provisions ( or provisions to like effect ) in the Articles are necessary for an incorporated practice to be able to comply with and remain in compliance with the Rules .
9 Certain Articles ( or articles to like effect ) need to be included to enable an incorporated practice to comply with and remain in compliance with the Rules .
10 Certain provisions ( or provisions to like effect ) in the Articles are necessary for an incorporated practice to be able to comply with and remain in compliance with the Rules .
11 Certain Articles ( or articles to like effect ) need to be included to enable an incorporated practice to comply with and remain in compliance with the Rules .
12 You will no doubt have been assisting her in basic matters connected with the running of her home while she is still in a state of shock following her husband 's death , for at this point even the most capable women sometimes find day-to-day planning and decision-making very hard to cope with and need to be eased gently back into their normal routine .
13 The items can be gathered by children themselves , for example , shiny things ; things of a particular colour ; things of a particular texture ( rough , smooth , prickly ) ; particular shapes ( rounded , with holes , pointed , with straight sides , spirals , etc. ) ; things we use in the kitchen or bathroom ; things that we use to draw with or cook with .
14 Rather they involve a refusal to co-operate with or assist in evil policy , and an offer to co-operate on honourable and just terms …
15 To mainstream children it offers the opportunity to live with and work alongside children who are triumphing over pain and crippling disability .
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