Example sentences of "[to-vb] with [be] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hence this school of thought held that the tool for the linguist to work with is a collected corpus of naturally occurring language .
2 which is one of the two that I 've got because the other one I 've got to deal with is the self-employed national insurance contributions
3 ‘ One of the tragedies we have to deal with is the large numbers of young Scots who leave school unable to read , write or add up .
4 Almost the last thing she wanted to deal with was a hysterical empath .
5 He wore a steel bracelet on his wrist — something to do with being a Sikh , Nutty understood , with rain , and she had Midnight to ride .
6 But it 's got nothing to do with being a Nazi as far as I 'm concerned …
7 Perhaps it 's something to do with being the only civil department still with the power to send in a gunboat .
8 I 've always had a yen for married women — it 's something to do with being an only son , I suspect , some sort of Oedipal urge to play Daddy 's part with Mummy — and I knew by experience how much care and tact is needed .
9 If we wish to make a reality out of Nyerere 's vision , the place to start with is the secondary school selection examination . ’
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