Example sentences of "[to-vb] with [art] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 So it 's sensible to buy with a view to maintaining a good second-hand value as the car ages .
2 For graduates we have a special loan scheme to help with the transition to full-time employment .
3 And she told this maid to go with the letters to post them .
4 But in the end she agreed to go with the Pitts to the local police station to express concern about the absentees .
5 He was in charge because Toby had to go with the swimmers to Sturford .
6 He said it was to go with the wagon to Ramsey , and we put it in among the logs , well wedged in .
7 US President George Bush announced on Sept. 11 that he intended to proceed with the sale to Saudi Arabia of 72 McDonnell Douglas F-15 fighter aircraft worth a total of US$9,000 million .
8 They put down sawdust but had insufficient to deal with the flooding to all areas of the factory .
9 ( e ) This record also saves time when you come to deal with the replies to your requisitions , and to decide whether or not they 're satisfactory .
10 that you 've then got to deal with the extent to which you 've used the ninety four , five , against the five , six one .
11 The plaintiffs sued for the defendant 's failure to honour this promise and the defendant pleaded lack of consideration , the plaintiffs being already under a duty of delivery by the contract with A. The Court of Exchequer ( Martin and Wilde BB. ) found for the plaintiffs : Wilde B. thought that the plaintiffs might have found it advantageous not to comply with their contract with A so that their agreement with the defendant was a detriment to them ; in any event , they agreed to part with the cargo to the defendant which was a benefit to him .
12 Mulhern does n't sell horses but he was partly influenced this time by Jeremy Maxwell who used to train On the Other Hand and he eventually agreed to part with the gelding to Robert Ogden with a view to running in the Grand Military Gold Cup at Sandown .
13 John always remained very concerned about the designing of his own ballets but was never specifically credited with responsibility for their designs , preferring to collaborate with an artist to whom he could explain his ideas and from whom he expected further ideas to enhance the final outcome .
14 ( c ) Superconscious order : A few privileged mortals ( artists and scientists alike ) have worked through stage ( b ) to emerge with a hypersensitivity to the interrelated principles involved .
15 If you are going to pay off a debt through a prepayment meter , you should get advice from a Citizen 's Advice Bureau who will be able to negotiate with the supplier to ‘ calibrate ’ the meter to pay of any debt at a rate you can afford .
16 Their duties were varied : to send back information to England , to negotiate with the government to which they were accredited , and , occasionally , to stir up trouble abroad .
17 Arthur found the reasons for this unfathomable , but took it that they had to do with a comparison to his own looks .
18 The first has to do with the return to primary sources which the Second Vatican Council recommended .
19 Perhaps what I 'm about to say has something to do with the answer to that question , so I 'll come to the point as briefly as possible .
20 In turn this leads on to the problems to do with the extent to which , and the conditions under which , respondents accurately report their beliefs , attitudes and , ultimately , to the extensive and impressive technology of interview and attitude measurement .
21 It 's a slow progression to unableness to perform their daily needs especially to start with the threat to the person , of opportunities to greater income .
22 ‘ It is my intention , if possible , to study with a view to being nominated , by the University , for a Commission in the Regular Army . ’
23 The resumption of relations , suspended by Indonesia in 1967 [ see below for background ] , was planned to coincide with a visit to Indonesia by the Chinese Premier , Li Peng .
24 Clasper and the conspirators timed the third offence to coincide with the visit to the UK of the President and Chief Executive Officer of United Motors , Nate Cocello , as this would provide maximum publicity to the planned strike .
25 Observers said that the demonstration had been planned to coincide with the visit to Dili of a Portuguese parliamentary delegation ( subsequently cancelled by Indonesia — see p. 38535 ) , and of the UN special rapporteur on torture , Peter Kooymans , to raise international awareness of the East Timor independence movement .
26 Its polyphony had to reckon with an element to which Humanism attached enormous importance : the words .
27 I would like to end with a plea to all those out there of similar mind to keep alive the trivial names , the odd stories , the quirky characters and the strange anecdotes , and to pass these on to the next generation with a simple message .
28 In passing , it is interesting to note that the General Orders require explicitly that the grounds of objection be ‘ distinctly stated ’ ; notwithstanding this , it is most unusual to find a petition which does not say that the petitioner objects to the order ‘ for the reasons , amongst others , hereinafter stated ’ , and it is very common for the petition to end with a statement to the effect that there are divers other provisions of the Bill to which objection is taken .
29 The average one-third ownership reflected the great pressure there was on the family farmer when a member of the family came home , or on a part-time farmer who was trying to expand with a view to becoming full-time .
30 ( 3 ) What is it for someone to act with a view to his moral obligations ?
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