Example sentences of "[to-vb] that it [verb] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 The church is to be distinctive from the rest of the world ; people around us are familiar with a way of life where rank and wealth matter , and people want to achieve what they think matters — only to find that it does n't satisfy them ; God 's people are to have a way of life which is based on equality in God 's sight , and not be measured in terms of social standing .
2 It is acknowledged , however , that in its efforts to support the capitalist system , politically and economically , the capitalist state creates and expands public and social services only to find that it does not have the required resources to meet the growing cost of the public sector .
3 But a final word of caution : venturis are temperamental , and to enclose yours within a blockwork wall , only to find that it did n't work properly , would be frustrating .
4 Suddenly she was surprised that she could talk about Ian White without regret ; surprised to find that it did n't hurt any more .
5 The J/44 , and some other J-boats , seem to indicate that it does not .
6 ( c ) When she raised the question of blood transfusions the only response was to lull her into a sense of false security , both the staff nurse , in her express words , and Dr. F. in his demeanour and the obstetrics staff nurse explicitly , all sought to indicate that it did not much matter since there appeared to them to be no prospect of a blood transfusion becoming necessary .
7 The Bank repeated its intervention just as the New York markets opened during the European lunchtime to signal that it did not want the American markets , closed since Friday night , to push the pound down further .
8 So they choose to contend that it has not really happened : and in so choosing raise a timely question about the nature of political belief .
9 The divide in English studies seems to be between those who want to bring the rift out into the open , and those who prefer to pretend that it does n't exist .
10 This is a great pity ; the battle between these two paradigms , that of Galton and that of Binet , is a very real one , and to pretend that it does not exist , and that there is no evidence against the paradigm adopted here , is disingenuous .
11 I hope this helps you to see that it does not matter at all whether that regression to his past life was factual or whether Barry 's subconscious had caused him to invent the whole thing in his imagination .
12 Now I was beginning to see that it did n't necessarily have to be that way .
13 The argument became heated when I refused to agree that it did not matter if the document was authentic or not .
14 ‘ To keep the whole thing in the right perspective , you have to remember that it does n't necessarily matter what a manager decides , the service that the resident receives is actually given by the care assistant .
15 Quorum is asking the federal courts in California to rule that it has not infringed on Apple 's turf , and declare Latitude marketable with no infringement liability and enjoin Apple from making any further assertions .
16 Elvis 's huge ballad repertoire needs little commentary here , save to stress that it began not with the move to RCA but at Sun , ‘ Love Me Tender ’ ( 1956 ) and ‘ That 's When Your Heartaches Begin' ( 1957 ) being preceded by equally sentimental ballads cut for Sam Phillips ; indeed , it began earlier — when , as a boy , Elvis was entered for a talent contest at the Mississippi-Alabama Fair , it was the sentimental country and western number ‘ Old Shep ’ that he sang .
17 All colour had faded from the sky : and although the big board by the gate creaked slightly in the night wind ( as though to insist that it had not disappeared in the darkness , but was still firmly where it had been put ) , there was no passer-by to read the sharp , hard letters that cut straight as black knives across its white surface .
18 You ca n't go digging at random , leaving behind mounds of earth until you find the right spot ; you just have to hope that it has n't subsequently been covered by path , patio or drive , and has been sited in the most likely place — under the lawn .
19 At Brighton a month ago we watched Paddy Ashdown keep a tight enough grip on his party to ensure that it does not slip away into the political undergrowth .
20 It argues that free market mechanisms can not resolve , or even erode , the North-South Divide and that positive national and regional planning is needed to ensure that it does not widen after 1993 .
21 AI believes that the 1986 law should be reviewed to ensure that it does not lead to the imprisonment of prisoners of conscience .
22 The firm is further under an obligation to use its ‘ best endeavours ’ to ensure that it does not knowingly effect a transaction for a customer it knows to be prohibited under the Core Rule .
23 Publishers want safeguards at a practical level to ensure that it does not open the floodgates to returns of all kinds . ’
24 Britain should therefore not hesitate to use whatever powers and diplomatic skills she possesses to ensure that it does not come about .
25 The meeting supports the Young Barristers Committee 's view that all chambers should resolve not to permit such exploitation , and put in place a mechanism to ensure that it does not take place , with the support and involvement of heads of chambers , senior members and Clerks . ’
26 A firm must take reasonable steps to ensure that it does not make any personal recommendation to a private customer of an investment or investment agreement , or effect or arrange a discretionary transaction with or for an customer , unless the recommendation or transaction is suitable for him , having regard to the facts disclosed by that customer and other relevant facts about the customer of which the firm is or reasonably should be aware .
27 A firm must take all reasonable steps to ensure that it does not give investment advice to , nor effect , a discretionary transaction with or for , a private customer , unless that advice or transaction is suitable for him having regard to the facts disclosed by that customer or other relevant facts about the customer of which the firm is or ought reasonably to be aware .
28 The mother will protect it from predators , such as eagles , and will try to ensure that it does n't fall down the mountainside by always standing on the downhill side of it .
29 But try and be positive about it , and say , ‘ Yes , this , I have to say this is a bad situation , , it 's not a situation which has occurred before , we are taking very positive steps to ensure that it does n't happen again , we have prosecuted Mr X , we have done whatever is appropriate . ’
30 And then , six weeks after the funeral , he had suddenly found himself able to believe that it had n't happened , not in that way , and that the whole horror was a childhood fantasy .
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