Example sentences of "[to-vb] that this [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is dependent not so much on the generous staffing levels of PNP Phase 1 ( though that obviously helped a great deal ) as on a combination of a degree of staffing flexibility and a basic preparedness to accept that this kind of role is important and needs to be built into a school 's staffing arrangements under whatever label is deemed appropriate .
2 The CTP proclaims that the link between the perceived object and the perception is just an ordinary bit of the great causal nexus of nature ( it needs to believe this , as we shall see presently ) and yet it is prepared to accept that this segment of the chain has a rather privileged status ; at the very least , that it has a beginning and an end .
3 Mankind will have to accept that this product of immense periods of time was indisputably in existence inside the evolutionary story , waiting to be taken up as the only source available from which could be acquired a foundation for the God that man must ultimately have , and which was not completely imaginary , and therefore subject to unlimited interpretations .
4 His friend Lauder once attended such a service and was moved to comment that this assembling of the deaf was an affecting spectacle :
5 Whatever the status of this piece of research in modern psychoanalysis , it needs only a cursory glance at the problem pages of women 's magazines , particularly those for an older readership , to find that this syndrome of the woman who considers herself happily married , yet is bewildered by the concept of orgasm which she herself has never experienced , is still familiar .
6 It is pleasant to find that this believer in the perfectibility of mankind was a good father to them all .
7 He hinted at the unlikelihood of Jack Pertwee 's being married that day and was inwardly amused to observe that this piece of information — the fact that Carter would be deprived of his cold chicken and champagne — distressed him more than Hatton 's death .
8 At the same time , it is the responsibility of the teacher to watch the situation carefully , in the light of his understanding of his students , in order to see that this withholding of reward is not carried to the point where the student feels discouraged .
9 In this way the fieldworker will come to see that this mesh of kinship behaviour is a manifestation of the social structure , a visible expression of who controls what .
10 ‘ Well , I 'm going to see that this sort of thing never happens again , ’ I said .
11 It would be possible to acknowledge that this type of emotional layer exists in human beings , and that it finds expression in the brutality men are capable of inflicting on one another .
12 He goes so far as to claim that this form of control is now ‘ characteristic of the majority of enterprises in the USA and Britain ’ , thereby denying the predominance of the management control form .
13 It is important to realize that this state of affairs is only temporary and that sex may become even more exciting and rewarding once the menopause has passed .
14 Firstly I would like to state that this article in no way seeks to encourage the smoking or eating of cannabis , or of any substance containing the active ingredients TetraHydroCannabinols .
15 First , the attempt to suggest that this scope of review is logically demanded is not convincing .
16 It would be dangerous to assume that this balance of topics necessarily reflects the Authority 's PNP priorities very accurately .
17 These studies were not " wrong " , but it would be wrong to conclude that this pattern of interest-group politics holds for all issues .
18 Whatever the merits of these criticisms , it seems reasonable to conclude that this model of urban regeneration based on the co-ordination of public-sector organizations by a lead agency is unlikely to be used soon again .
19 It is important to stress that this dispute with Marx does not extend to his analysis of the mode of production or to the significance that he gives to knowledge as a relation of production .
20 It is also important to stress that this reclaiming of Coward as relevant to gay culture is very different from the limiting ways in which some heterosexual critics have mobilized the fact of his sexuality .
21 Limited liability , therefore , still provides effective protection , and there is an obligation to ensure that this benefit to the proprietor is matched by the maintenance of the same minimum standards of fair play towards the users of accounts , whether lenders , creditors , the Inland Revenue , Customs & Excise or minority shareholders — generically ‘ The Public Interest ’ .
22 To ensure that this channel of transformation remains open and available , deliberate intervention by public bodies may well be required .
23 With the Tories moving on to more radical positions , and the Labour Party now much more centrist , logic seemed to dictate that this kind of Alliance supporter should move back to a Social Democratic outlook identical with that of old Gaitskellites .
24 There is every reason to believe that this degree of movement was typical of the corn-growing regions , but we have to constantly bear in mind that one part of England may have very different experiences from another and that even neighbouring communities might have contrasting stories to tell .
25 ‘ Yes , I know some people might think we are because we occasionally partner each other , but you should have known better — or perhaps not , since you never had any scruples about being a party to another man 's infidelity six years ago , which leads me to believe that this show of conscience on Cavell 's behalf is just that — show !
26 Side by side with Voltaire and Kant , with their admiration of constructive and public-spirited autocrats , were others such as Helvétius , Holbach , Diderot and Rousseau , who refused to believe that this form of rule , however ‘ enlightened ’ , could do anything for the liberation of the individual subject .
27 Yet it is very hard to believe that this sort of explanation can account for more than a handful of hoards , if any .
28 It was if she wanted to forget that this part of her life ever existed . ’
29 Those who love their cricket history were forced to concede that this kind of combat could not be surpassed for entertainment .
30 And , ultimately , you 're bound to realise that this amount of money would go a long , long way towards buying your own small PA system — cabs , mixer amp , processor , parametric , vocal mike and all .
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