Example sentences of "[to-vb] that it [be] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When I came out on top I immediately looked to starboard for the Pole Star and was rather shocked to find that it was oil the portside and we were obviously heading east , but by careful use of the engines was able to turn through 180° and the navigator gave me a heading after taking a sight from the astro compass .
2 Through using eye contact and body language to indicate that it 's time to move on .
3 In the latter case the effect upon strategy may be to signal that it is time to divest rather than invest .
4 The last grants to pass the great seal ( although others were in the pipeline ) were the appointments of the chief baron of the exchequer and two serjeants at law on 14 and 15 June — a last attempt by the establishment to pretend that it was business as normal .
5 The last grants to pass the great seal ( although others were in the pipeline ) were the appointments of the chief baron of the exchequer and two serjeants at law on 14 and 15 June — a last attempt by the establishment to pretend that it was business as normal .
6 I think that is what people prefer and want to know about … they want to see that it is Cabinet government .
7 It 's nice to see that it was action anyway and the rest of the
8 Some European governments have begun to mutter that it is time the Croats had a taste of sanctions .
9 EVOLVING humanoids grew more intelligent at about the time they began using tools to hunt ; this finding has encouraged anthropologists to speculate that it was tool use that made intelligence particularly adaptive .
10 The fighting was instigated by Hezbollah , which prompted some commentators to suggest that it was part of an Iranian effort to undermine the Saudi-instigated Taif peace process .
11 The two bronze Moors on the clock-tower outside hammered on the bells to announce that it was midday .
12 The director of the zoo , David Jones , believes that " it would be dangerous to conjecture that it is BSE at this stage , but the indications are that it probably is . "
13 Britain has one last chance to ensure that it is part of the considerations in the emerging power block .
14 One thing is clear from the hon. Gentleman 's attitude : were there ever a Labour Government , there would be no review of programmes and there would be no assessment of the way in which help is given to ensure that it is cost effective or of how Government resources are deployed to ensure that the taxpayer gets the best value for money .
15 So if the board is to ensure that it is project managing the change effectively , it must have non-financial internal information too .
16 By now your heater will have brought the water to temperature and should have been adjusted to ensure that it 's spot on .
17 Organizing respectable credit for respectable people became the respectable part of an accountant 's work , whose training enabled him to ensure that it was sound , that is , within the bounds of profitability .
18 So if what 's in the pot is honey , its taste will cause Pooh to believe that it 's honey .
19 The Prince calls for everyone to realise that it is time to take adequate stock of such landscapes , our collective effect upon it and our responsibilities towards it .
20 Diplomatically she accepted it would be better not to mention that it was jealousy about her ideas .
21 I 'd like to think that it was remorse that made you come sobbing into Adam 's arms that way , but I 'm not so naïve as to believe it .
22 I have to kick myself to think that it was Xmas only 3 weeks ago .
23 She may appear to become quite self= centred , and those who have been doing all they can to help her may become exasperated and tempted to hint that it is time she tried to ‘ pull herself together ’ , for by then they too will be feeling the strain .
24 Yes , well , we do have a housing crisis , there is no doubt about that , but to say that it 's government created is just another ploy of the Labour Group and the Liberal Democrats who , as Michael has said , are usually incohesion ; that is why we are a small group of ten on Council fighting probably about thirty five .
25 A simpler way of describing its position would be to say that it is part of the transitional zone between the Oriental and Australian regions .
26 Poulantzas goes on to say that it is ignorance of these writers , and the provincialism of the French intellectual arena , ‘ which allows these most hackneyed of ideas to be presented as something new . ’
27 However , it hardly seems satisfactory to say that it is conscience which tells us that conscience should be at the controls , for presumably self love would say the same of itself if given its head .
28 The BX 4x4 Estate , yesterday a safari vehicle , became today a Grand Tourer as we made our farewell circuit through picturesque villages and bustling market towns until we arrived at the old spa resort of Buxton , said to be the highest town in England , where we had , reluctantly , to admit that it was time to head for home .
29 The BX 4×4 Estate , yesterday a safari vehicle , became today a Grand Tourer as we made our farewell circuit through picturesque villages and bustling market towns until we arrived at the old spa resort of Buxton , said to be the highest town in England , where we had reluctantly to admit that it was time to head for home .
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