Example sentences of "[to-vb] that [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Those who think of Pound as a great liberator from stiff and hidebound conventions will be disconcerted to find that Newbolt on the contrary treats him as an academic formalist .
2 The normal price for any given daily supply of fish , which we are now seeking , is the price which will quickly call into the fishing trade capital and labour enough to obtain that supply in a day 's fishing of average good fortune ; the influence which the price of fish will have upon capital and labour available in the fishing trade being governed by rather narrow causes such as these .
3 History may come to see that embrace as a gesture of fond farewell .
4 So I expect to see er improvements in confidence backed by greater provision and I like to see that directed at the venture capital , risk capital , long term capital .
5 To a great extent their analysis of the problematic nature of the established set — up tends to parallel that advanced by the constitutional authorities in that they are attentive to the political and economic problems of adversary party politics , elective dictatorship , and the overload of conflicting demands .
6 Judge Byron Robb chose it to rule that work on the cult 's nuclear bunkers in Montana had to stop , after their fuel oil tanks were found to be leaking .
7 To suggest that delegates from a conference of existing trades councils would reflect a truly national view , would be misleading .
8 Mao Tse Tung compared guerrillas to fish that swim in the water of a sympathetic population .
9 Whilst remembering the old days I was surprised to hear that ran in the family as his wife 's father had worked for the Company at the turn of the century .
10 This finality makes it proper to regard death as the most serious harm that may be inflicted on another , and to regard a person who chooses to inflict that harm as the most culpable of offenders , in the absence of some excuse or justification .
11 Unfortunately , there are not enough Tory Members to cheer that extract from the future Tory manifesto .
12 Gorbachev on Dec. 4 had announced to the USSR Supreme Soviet emergency plans to import basic foodstuffs to the value of 2,100 million roubles ( US$1,050 million at the new commercial exchange rate ) to ensure that supplies in the first quarter of 1991 were at the levels of the same period in 1990 .
13 Palmerston tried to ensure that attachés in the missions to the German courts should at least be able to read German script ; and in the 1840s and 1850s there were efforts to send students of oriental languages from Oxford and Cambridge to Constantinople , where they were to form a new class of oriental secretaries and replace the Greek and Levantine dragomans who had for decades acted as translators and interpreters there .
14 How are you going to ensure that Care in the Community is not just a pipe dream ?
15 It is also worth noting that dealing need not actually take place ; the minimum requirement is merely that the insider had reasonable cause to believe that dealing in the relevant shares would take place .
16 As good Marxists the Bolshevik leaders tended to believe that following on the eventual restoration and ‘ correct ’ development of favourable economic conditions , ‘ correct ’ social and political attitudes would also come about at all levels .
17 He was only able to shed that bondage through a charismatic experience which reassured him that he was a child of God .
18 In spite of this experience , there are still some people who try to argue that increases in the money supply have no effect on the rate of inflation .
19 Moreover , as we saw earlier , it is possible to argue that to pay for a service produces an equal exchange relationship .
20 Hills fancied him to avenge that defeat in the 2,000 Guineas , but Tirol decisively confirmed the form .
21 They may be interested to learn that snowstorms in the Alps have been known to throw a spanner in the clockwork of everyday life too .
22 I 'd just like to add that included in the numbers that I gave you for Camco were not just redundancy costs , but costs of closures of sales offices , distribution networks and some other special one-time charges , so it 's not pure redundancy when you look at the numbers that I gave you earlier on .
23 Chief among them , and born of the group 's increasing feeling that they stood far something , embattled against a hostile world , was their tendency not only to see merit where none existed ( in the poetry of Fox , for example ) , but actually to think that belonging to the group — which began at around this period to be known as the Inklings — was in itself a sort of merit .
24 He froze , unable to take that step into the void .
25 I just wanted to say that speaking as a psychiatrist
26 In making this categorical assertion I am admitting that , as a social anthropologist , I really have very little to say that touches on the roots of our problem .
27 Some fans have been on to say that calling for the manager 's dismissal is not the answer .
28 I am pleased to say that work on the Latton bypass is due to start next year , at a cost of about £17 million , and there are five other schemes on that road , at a total cost of £100 million .
29 How much of the liquor in this anthropoid coffin was body fluid will have to be left to the imagination ; suffice it to say that owing to the construction of such coffins it would have been practically impossible to have introduced much liquid preservatives .
30 Greenidge was happy to admit that playing alongside the South African was ‘ an education and an inspiration ’ , but he also conceded that while they both had many outstanding days individually they did not score as many runs in partnership as they might have done , since they were both attacking players and therefore risk-takers .
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