Example sentences of "[to-vb] that [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 It is pleasant to find that this believer in the perfectibility of mankind was a good father to them all .
2 We can also expect to find that any discrepancy in this preferred social formation will be reflected and transferred to the physical body as a metaphor of chaos .
3 For this reason any purchaser will wish to see that all documents in the chain of title are properly stamped .
4 It is interesting to see that some developments in reading instruction are stressing the need to help pupils cope with text organisational problems .
5 Two forces were at work : the curriculum requirement of central government changed sufficiently often for critics to claim that important changes in original policy were repeatedly taking place .
6 Firstly I would like to state that this article in no way seeks to encourage the smoking or eating of cannabis , or of any substance containing the active ingredients TetraHydroCannabinols .
7 I do not however consider that Viscount Kilmuir was intending to state that any payment in response to any unlawful demand could be recovered .
8 It is important , however , to remember that all transactions in land since 1947 have taken place in the full knowledge that the 1947 development value was the most that anyone would hope to receive by way of compensation from the 300 million fund .
9 When considering how demographic change may affect the demand and supply of health care it is important to remember that such changes in demand will affect all the major medical specialisms and not be confined to departments dealing exclusively with older people .
10 The already high incidence of vascular disease in non-diabetic western populations appears to be still higher in diabetic subjects and , although there have been suggestions of a specific diabetic large-vessel disease ( Lundbaek , 1973 ) , there is little evidence to suggest that atherosclerotic lesions in diabetics are distinct from those in non-diabetics ( Strandness et al , 1964 ) .
11 There is evidence to suggest that one victim in five in Northern Ireland is likely to be the victim of another similar offence within the same calendar year .
12 A couple of paragraphs of lay anthropology were added to suggest that black people in Africa had accomplished ‘ virtually nothing ’ before ‘ the White Man came ’ .
13 As already discussed , there is evidence to suggest that Carboniferous Limestone in shelf facies occupies a large part of the area of interest under southern England .
14 I do not think that it is fanciful to suggest that public confidence in the administration of justice is undermined by such assertions from a powerful interest group .
15 It might be reasonable to expect that some deficiency in parental relationships — and hence , some in all relationships — might ensue and it certainly is apparent in some cases of sexual relationship dysfunction .
16 Although it will not do to assume that political developments in different nation states will ever be sufficiently ‘ synchronised ’ to avoid entirely the problems of advancing the socialist project in one country , or a restricted group of countries , this consideration does point to the vital need for maximum international coordination in the pursuit of socialist objectives .
17 It would be a mistake to assume that all participants in the revolt were involved in it for the same reasons .
18 However , it seems reasonable to assume that pragmatic factors in comprehension will also be present in production .
19 Mr Kinnock is correct to insist that fundamental changes in the voting system should not be undertaken for short-term , tactical reasons .
20 The stated aim of the Commission is to create a homogeneous market in takeovers , with adequate and equal safeguards for individual investors , and to ensure that all players in a takeover act fairly and proceed on an equal basis .
21 Consultative participation leaves the main design tasks to the systems analysts , but tries to ensure that all staff in the user department are consulted about the change .
22 The lease will indeed quite often contain extensive insurance provisions with this in mind and to ensure that all costs in respect of insurance are paid for by the tenant and not the landlord .
23 The move , pending a full disciplinary hearing , follows Mr Murphy 's claims to The Scotsman earlier this month that he has evidence to support claims that there have been cases of patronage to ensure that certain jobs in the local authority went to Labour Party members .
24 The move , pending a full disciplinary hearing , follows Mr Murphy 's claims to The Scotsman earlier this month that he has evidence to support claims that there have been cases of patronage to ensure that certain jobs in the local authority went to Labour Party members .
25 The Council undertakes to ensure that future changes in these terms will be entered in theses documents , or otherwise recorded for you to refer to , within 28 days of the change .
26 Checks are then carried out to ensure that each module in the LIST_OF_CONTENTS has a latest version within LIFESPAN .
27 Where trade unions have joined Compacts they are in a strong position to ensure that young people in Compact schools are fully informed about the advantages of joining and supporting the trade union movement .
28 This is partly to ensure that any increase in profitability can be identified as the result of improved efficiency rather than a change in the method of compiling the accounts .
29 Can the Minister confirm that they included representations to ensure that any rundown in the Territorial Army in Scotland will not mean there being insufficient units in Scotland , to the point at which the TA will lose the goodwill of the scattered communities , particularly in the highlands and islands , in terms of recruitment ?
30 Will my right hon. Friend undertake to ensure that any changes in the milk marketing regulations are introduced in an orderly manner ?
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