Example sentences of "[to-vb] for [conj] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Several weeks later he was approached by the same man and a colleague in a Dungannon street , when he was ‘ explicitly asked to work for and provide information for them . ’
2 ‘ For 10 minutes they attempted to engage Anthony in conversation before explicitly asking him to work for and provide information to them .
3 The criterion-referencing of assessments is not an essential feature of graded tests , but it is an approach which has been strongly recommended because it is intended to make clearer the targets which pupils need to aim for and to provide information on achievements for parents , teachers and employers .
4 The small shock of surprise disturbed her judgement for a moment , and the awareness of feeling and looking disconcerted inclined her to resent him , and to look for and find impudence in an approach which would have seemed perfectly excusable in a resident scholar .
5 Our picture shows the new packaging to look for when buying King British flake .
6 Our speaker , William Lorimer , Director of Furniture for Christie 's , St. James 's , will discuss what to look for when buying furniture .
7 And while store owners may be aware of the new regulations , many shoppers admit they do n't know what to look for when examining furniture .
8 All instruments issued by reporting entities which are a means of raising finance , including shares , debentures , loans and debt instruments , options and warrants which give the holder the right to subscribe for or obtain capital instruments .
9 They are encouraged to do ‘ worry work ’ , to ask questions about what is going to happen , to weep if they feel like it , to ask for and get reassurance that the future will be all right ; different but all right .
10 But after the race riots it was seen as something which the state would have both to cater for and take control of .
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