Example sentences of "[to-vb] for [art] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Pensions are usually compared by converting the annual pension paid to an average earner into ecu , using ‘ purchasing power parity ’ to accommodate for the various costs of living in each country .
2 Khrushchev , who was preoccupied with trying to promote a policy of peaceful coexistence with the United States ( Khrushchev and Eisenhower met at Camp David in September 1959 ) whilst at the same time seeking to contain the emerging Sino-Soviet rift , had little thought to spare for the bearded revolutionaries in far-off Cuba .
3 The Chinese do n't like their planes to fly unless the weather is absolutely O.K. So we had to wait for a few hours for the plane to arrive from Shanghai .
4 So it might pay a mother to wait for a few days and see what happened to the baby .
5 After I was at court I had to go back to Low Newton to wait for a few weeks before I could go to Styal prison .
6 If , if there 's an incident happens , does n't mean you have to wait for the local police officer to tell , to come along and tell him , you 've still got police support all round you anywhere .
7 I am just not prepared to wait for the green shoots of recovery . ’
8 Our shop at work has sold out of the Torygraph today , so we may have to wait for the latest standings .
9 It is normal for this sensitivity to remain for a few flights and then gradually to disappear .
10 The water was deep in the middle , so I had to swim for a few metres .
11 The third option is to go for a strategic exceptions policy in the structure plan and obviously this is what er the borough considered considers is appropriate .
12 Not only do you need to know where to go for the best prices , but you need information on when shops open and how to get there .
13 The mites tend to go for the smaller workers , probably because of their safer and passively fed lifestyle .
14 Let's , let's just put it here , A minus B times A minus B. Now it 's tempting to go for the easier ones in it as you did , so we 'll do the A squared , okay that 's no problem .
15 Heinzer , the Mister Nice of the Swiss Team , exploiting an avowed intent to turn Mister Ugly — ‘ I want to go for the big wins ’ — won the first race .
16 It is even possible that if you decide to set up your own business , you may be able to claim for the initial costs of this .
17 ( Incidentally never forget to plan for the practical needs of the press when you 're drawing up your arrangements .
18 It must not brown , but should be left to bubble for a few seconds before being removed from the heat and left to settle .
19 Recorders ( of whom there are over seven hundred , plus some five hundred Assistant Recorders ) are practising barristers or solicitors who are required to sit for a few weeks each year .
20 The fact that the people involved who killed Chai in the snackbar fight were mostly ‘ unemployed youths ’ , seemed to emphasise for the young intellectuals the disrespect for knowledge prevalent in a money-orientated society .
21 He was asked at the Dec. 30 meeting to continue for the two months while new structures were elaborated .
22 A freezer well stocked with little bags , each containing a prepared calorie-counted and fibre-counted meal , provides excellent protection against temptation to break your diet simply because you have n't had time to shop for the right foods .
23 When pasting your template on the piece of veneer selected for the outline — usually a dark wood — try to arrange for the thinnest parts of the design to run along the grain .
24 The bank undertook to arrange for the necessary documents to be drawn up and the manager gave instructions that both the husband and the wife were to be made aware of the nature and effect of the documents they would sign , and that the wife should be advised to take legal advice if she had any doubts about them .
25 Bush said that Iraq should designate military commanders to meet their coalition counterparts within the next 48 hours to arrange for the military aspects of the ceasefire .
26 When the seeds drop off from the flowering spike , they should be left in the tank to float for a few days .
27 Jessica Rawson , Keeper of Oriental Antiquities at the British Museum , had to struggle for the gilded walls that she wanted for her newly redisplayed 2000 square-metre gallery ( opening 11 November ) ; traditionally the British Museum has had an austere , even puritanical approach to interior decoration .
28 ‘ We must reassure our Protestant brothers and sisters that we will never be made to suffer for the British-sponsored murders of Catholics ’ .
29 Detective Sergeant Burgess went off to report to his Superintendent , and Redpath , who 'd been on duty since midnight , decided to try for a few hours ' sleep .
30 Many a godly Jew must have felt what a wonderful thing it would be if Moses ' longing could be fulfilled , ‘ Would that all the Lord 's people were prophets , that the Lord would put his Spirit upon them ’ ( Num. 11:29 ) : and that is just what the prophets were led by God to foretell for the last days .
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