Example sentences of "[to-vb] it [adv] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 During the use of some programs , eg , PIRATES ( see reference 1 ) , if the pace of the lesson is not controlled , so much information is contained in pupil responses and computer responses that it is almost impossible for the teacher to process it as efficiently as he would like .
2 I got to know it pretty well when I was living in Sheffield and I 'd recommend anyone to take a walking holiday there .
3 Both groups have an interest in maintaining the capitalist system , but the professional-managerial class have an interest in maximizing its own independence or autonomy ; the ruling class , on the other hand , try to restrict it as far as possible .
4 What we sought to do , in terms of Community competence , in the discussions was to extend it in areas where we thought it was appropriate and to define it more adequately than it has been defined in the past in order to prevent , as far as it is possible to prevent it , that element of creeping competence that so offends many people in this country .
5 Although time seems always to have been important for Petrarch , he tended to value it even more as he got older because he realized that , as with other things , it becomes more precious as it becomes less plentiful .
6 So as a result to that , there , there erm , there is going to be a public meeting on the tenth September , which is actually organised by the Labour party , erm , but obviously the who thing very worried about the attendance at that , erm the , have , had to organise it very quickly because he wants to get it in before the sixteenth , we 'll still trying to get erm a National speaker , I 'm hoping that Julie from the er , eh National Help Federation will be able to come , but she 's on holiday till Monday erm , I do n't .
7 A ring is an arrangement whereby several dealers all of whom are interested I in a given item agree not to compete in outbidding each other at the public auction but instead to allow one of their number to buy it as cheaply as possible .
8 The pair will meet again today and Mr Taylor said : ‘ We want to dot the I's and cross the T's on a whole range of issues — and we want to do it sooner rather than later . ’
9 If insufficient attention has been devoted to the design of this and also the related access procedures the symptoms are a plethora of documentation which no individual entirely understands , the temptation to do it again rather than waste time finding out how something has already been done and too much reliance on the human memory .
10 I tried to do it really well because it was my last grade .
11 We would be able to do it more easily if we could not only accurately assess the reading performance of individual children but also the readability of particular texts .
12 credit approvals now get taken up so quickly because the government does n't let much money borrow erm much money to be borrowed parish councils unfortunately so we need to do it fairly urgently if we 're going to get it on the list , I think the list is already about ten parish councils long .
13 They were last year , they gave an undertaking to do it as soon as possible , it is a case of where the money comes from er Mr of course is relatively new er we do n't bother about as a rule about what he casts as new costs in new staff .
14 want to do it as soon as possible no point in going
15 I want you to do it as soon as possible !
16 In the indirect business of conversation , it is as well to do it as skilfully as possible and without leaving others feeling awkward .
17 I was using a hand-pump , and then an electric pump to stimulate my milk supply , although at first I was too distressed and unmotivated to do it as often as necessary and consequently did n't produce anything when I did pump .
18 She pointed out to him the attraction of publishing so surprising a paper and urged him to do it as quickly as possible .
19 I want to give it a bit of a rest now and I 'm trying to leave it as long as possible before I have it permed again .
20 My task was to record it as objectively as possible and leave the reader to judge , yet not to provide some indication of the effect it had on me would be to paint a very incomplete picture .
21 True , the disease would sooner or later reach Norway after travelling up through Finland , but the Norwegian government had decided to stall it as long as possible .
22 If a mistake is made , it is best policy to admit it quickly and to work with the client and one 's colleagues to resolve it as soon as possible .
23 In each case one begins with a problem , seeks to understand it as fully as possible , works out purposes , devises a plan of action , carries it out , and reviews what has happened in order to judge its implications for future action .
24 I belonged to them in the sense that when I was interested in something I tried to understand it as far as possible and , of course , even tried to make use of it .
25 The books of Mary Somerville ( e.g. , On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences , 1834 ) proved valuable to men of science wanting to keep up with what was going on in other fields , and unable to understand it all even if they had had time to read it .
26 On April 7 the European Parliament ( EP ) approved by 226 votes to 62 with 31 abstentions a resolution in effect approving the Maastricht Treaty by calling on member countries of the European Communities ( EC ) to ratify it as soon as possible .
27 Even the back pass could have been salvaged had Beeney realised how crap it was a second earlier , and even then , he could have tried to kick it to either side on Gray , as opposed to trying to kick it as hard as possible … straight at gray .
28 Instead , it 's entirely freestanding , allowing you to swing it as hard as you like without risking it flying off the table , a major fault with many wheels .
29 Whilst I took it , I was about to flip it away somewhere when my CO said , " You must eat it , YOU 'VE GOT TO EAT IT ! " under his breath .
30 You have to carry it as often as often and you 're supposed
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