Example sentences of "[to-vb] to me [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , may I ask all hire car users to write to me with their comments on the use of a mobile phone .
2 He knew at once of a house to let for a whole year , the owners being abroad and failing to let it before they left last month and seeing my condition he took pity and had the caretaker prevailed upon to come to me at his premises .
3 She wanted to talk to me about her sister .
4 If he wants to talk to me about his future then he should do it to my face . ’
5 ‘ Are you getting me out of bed at this hour to talk to me about my brother ? ’ she demanded .
6 On the Saturday Mum grabbed the opportunity to head for the shops , while the rest of us had an interesting time choosing a tennis racquet for Roland to give to me for my birthday — a generous present and already in use .
7 From time to time Mr Salmon used to read to me from his morning paper , but as he could never find a mention of the Royal Fusiliers I did n't discover what the old man was up to .
8 He taunted me , asking me if I knew what was going to happen to me on my wedding night .
9 I recalled that they should learn a few verses to say to me on my next visit .
10 Wellington , the Kiwi , never actually troubled himself to speak to me during his stay .
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