Example sentences of "[to-vb] to me [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The telephone answering machine , and my clients ' willingness to talk to me at unusual hours of the day and night , kept me firmly in touch .
2 Lesley says : ‘ My husband is getting very frustrated with trying to talk to me at 9.30 in the evening when I 'm in a heap .
3 I simply did n't recognize her at first , and to tell you the truth , I was a bit embarrassed when Uncle Félix came over to talk to me with this perfectly stunning girl on his arm .
4 He came to talk to me about that .
5 Do you want to talk to me about that in the tutorial first or would that be ?
6 ‘ Who do you think you are , to talk to me in that manner ? ’
7 The Mayor rebuked him in warm terms , whereupon the elegant creature said , hotly : ‘ Who are you to talk to me like that ? ’
8 To talk to me like that , you must be who you claim to be — no one else would dare do such a thing ! ’
9 I 'll feel good inside me 'cos she should n't dare to talk to me like that 'cos I 've never said to 'er noffink like that , you know .
10 On we walk , discussing hobbies , like two old geezers , and she tells e how nice it is to talk to me like this as sometimes she feels she has n't got to know me as well as she would have liked .
11 No , but if the hon. Gentleman has views that he would like to express to me on that closure , I should be delighted to hear from him .
12 There are discredited and out-of-date theories around , and I have asked officials in my Department to report to me on those matters .
13 That you would continue to lie to me after every- thing — ? ’
14 ‘ I will never , never abandon these bright hopes , ’ he used to say to me with shining eyes .
15 ‘ And now , if we could get back to the point , I believe you were about to explain to me about this proposition of yours ? ’
16 If you have any comments you would like to make to me on this exercise I shall be most grateful to receive them .
17 ‘ Blaming me for his wife 's death and refusing to speak to me for seventeen years is hardly ‘ quarrelling ’ , ’ she retorted .
18 P T O I suppose it 's unlikely that I 'll ever see you again but we might see each other at William 's or something and if you ever need to speak to me for some reason you can call me at school
19 ‘ You have no right to speak to me like this ! ’
20 ‘ If you continue to speak to me in that cold manner , ’ she answered , ‘ I shall say nothing at all .
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