Example sentences of "[to-vb] a [noun] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Which suggests a considerable ability to modify a reflex with learned behavior , ’ Dr. Briant said .
2 In some areas the water was up to four feet high in places and for people who did not want to get wet the task of crossing this water was only possible by two ways , the first being to ask to hitch a lift in one of the high performance tractors which were out being a sort of taxi service and the second option was to catch a lift in either of the boats which also appeared to offer their services .
3 It 's been a popular strategy ever since The Rolling Stones played the small marquee at the 1963 National Jazz Festival in Richmond — the event that subsequently mutated into Reading — and provoked scenes of hysteria as hundreds of excited youths abandoned the main arena and jostled to catch a whiff of this liberating new air , leaving a bewildered Acker Bilk tootling his way into the footnotes of history .
4 She went to catch a bus on Bloody Friday when 13 bombs went off in Belfast city centre .
5 William Walker , an official from the State Department , remembered seeing him rush to catch a flight to Central America , having just got off a flight from Europe , unkempt , a flight-bag over his shoulder .
6 To get to morning service in the church he had to catch a tram at 6.50 a.m .
7 A glance at her watch told her she would have to leave to catch a tram in half an hour .
8 And would n't it have been nice to catch a fish like that on the appropriate tackle for the species ?
9 Now he recalled how , on the second night after his mother had left home , he had climbed out of bed in the late evening and slipped unnoticed from the house to run over a mile to Bournemouth Central Railway Station to catch a train to nearby Christchurch , where his mother had gone to live with her sister .
10 Lindsey barely had time to catch a glimpse of colourful awnings and flower-filled terracotta pots before Niall had brought the car to a halt , cut the engine and was climbing out .
11 All the time she watched the passing crowd , hoping to catch a glimpse of one certain face .
12 Don Quarrie coached Stewart , and in one of the buses that returned the athletes to the Village at the end of the day 's events , as the escorting police motor cyclists ' sirens whined and the blue lights flashed and Italian families paused in their evening perambulations to catch a glimpse of these new gladiators , he said simply
13 flo plays wide midfield on norways national team — but i think he is used mainly as a target man for sheff utd. norw coach drillo wants to try a setup with one ‘ Flo ’ as both left and right wide midfielder , then trying to hit hard high , crosses from behind towards the ‘ towers ’ at the sides thus giving football a new dimension of play .
14 I also want to try a sweater in grey with a black outline pattern and then fill parts of the pattern with fabric paint colours .
15 Having done my best to put you off the Bar , I must add that the public interest strongly requires that the profession should continue to attract a flow of top quality recruits .
16 ‘ We all know that XR3s and Cossies seem to attract a lot of unwanted attention , but I feel I 'm paying too much insurance on what is a Plain Jane family saloon , ’ he says .
17 Alton Social Services are hoping to attract a lot of new foster carers in the Alton and Bordon areas to coincide with National Foster Week , and a change in the whole concept of foster care .
18 The plan aimed to upgrade existing industries and to attract a number of new ones , such as financial services .
19 Together with Scottish Innovation , which has co-ordinated the attendance of Scottish companies at the previous seven events , they aim to attract a number of Scottish companies interested in forging links with European partners at Lille .
20 Bearing in mind the well-documented history on the question of having a fully-licensed establishment within our village the Chairman of the Council has asked me to request a postponement of any final decision in order to give time and opportunity for full consultation and for any resulting meaningful comments to be submitted .
21 Although the effect of that direction is not peremptory , the plaintiff must be sure to request a hearing within 15 months of close of pleadings .
22 The Maître d 's expression was chilly enough to freeze a slug of flying spit .
23 It may be possible to distract a horse in some other way than in giving it food , so that it tolerates being shod .
24 Will we eventually be forced to found a Campaign for Real Cricket ?
25 There were of course exceptions such as Mrs Cellier , mid-wife and women 's champion who against all the odds managed to carve a niche for herself as a nurse , to hold her own whilst on trial at the Old Bailey , calmly storing in her pocket stones thrown at her whilst in the stocks and attempted to found a college of therapeutic midwifery .
26 Therefore , will he do what he can to encourage a response from small authorities to adopt the new powers ?
27 Teaching and particularly a scheme of one-to-one tutoring and counselling has to encourage a response from each student which testifies to that student 's commitment to thorough enquiry , hard thinking , self-scrutiny and honesty of purpose , all set within a context of the daily practicalities of management .
28 After the collapse of the plot Montgomerie fled to London , but he continued to engage in Jacobite intrigue , and in late 1691 he tried to encourage a rising of Presbyterian extremists in the south-western lowlands .
29 The aim is to encourage a flow of used product materials back into industry as secondary raw material .
30 They are also in the best position to encourage a balance between national , local and school priorities .
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