Example sentences of "[to-vb] and [vb infin] [pers pn] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 the first thing that we , we , we would respect is and suggest and this is a course which has been offered erm , erm , in order of other cases , er , we should ask that the er because of the adjournment necessary for investigation , the , the money will attract interest and we would ask for an order that the erm , the plaintiff is entitled to interest at the special account rate on any lump sum hereafter ordered to be paid , now what that means is that if at the end of the day the instruction say goes off and the conventional lump sum order is made , we are entitled to interest on the whole of that lump sum , if on the other hand a structured settlement is put into position and er part is either applied to the purchase of the annuities , in the commercial way to try and settle it or taken it back by the health authority , in consideration for self funding structured settlement , then we would only get the interest on the actual cash we have been kept
2 And er all the branches had a cook at the national agreement how to try and alter it and make it better .
3 to try and locate it but
4 It is the former that constitute the ‘ classical perspective ’ and , in this final section , I want to try and extricate them and look at some of the problems that Beccaria 's version of them encountered .
5 Lee made a dive to try and stop him but it was no good without the collar and he fell sprawling on the gravel .
6 The R S P C A have to pick up the pieces and they 've launched a campaign to try and stop it and joining me now is Alan .
7 Erm , I think these refugees are likely to include the most enterprising , the best trained and so on , they 'll be a grave loss to the Soviet economy , erm , but I think they 're a potential gain to us and er , I do n't think that , I think therefore we should make arrangements to try and absorb them if we can and , and let them contribute as they undoubtedly will to our own economies .
8 The Government is looking again at the payments system to try and resolve it and the Town 's MP recognises there is a problem .
9 He quickened his pace to try and intercept her but the crowds on the pavement and the traffic on the street intervened .
10 She would beat me , push me as I was going downstairs , and do anything she could to try and harm me and my baby .
11 They then have to try and unravel it and , in so doing , will find that it takes them in all sorts of different places until at the end they find a small present .
12 ‘ In case you have n't noticed , other than that first call , I 've made no attempt to try and find him since we 've been here . ’
13 When I got to the spot , I groped beneath the water to try and find him and drag him up , but could feel nothing .
14 ‘ He used his resources to try and trace it and he came up with a French jeweller who 'd been offered it about twenty-five years ago .
15 The shark then chases all the children and has to try and touch them before they reach the safety of the side of the pool .
16 Was Elinor perhaps going to try and top her as well ?
17 We get the odd mis-routing , there was a chap recently , er , should , you know , where , the truth is , he was a technical sinner , not a real baddie , so I decided to stretch a point , and send him back down again to try and teach him where he went wrong .
18 Thickened his voice in the wrong places to try and convince us that he was under the influence .
19 It 's better to get comfortable with the approach in a situation where you are confident , like a weekly meeting , than suddenly to try and implement it when you are in a more testing situation , like an important sales presentation .
20 What one hopes for is for the student to remain open to the possibility of aesthetic experience , to accept and enjoy it when it occurs , but not to fake responses if it does not .
21 Nigel 's going to come and fit it cos he works for a company who makes and he 's doing them in every room .
22 They 'd all come straight to Ingham 's after the Requiem Mass and they were waiting now for John Burns , the undertaker , to come and tell them when the grave was ready at the cemetery and the men would walk the coffin there .
23 said , if I ca n't come for that typewriter then I 've sold it , he said I , I told her if she wanted it she 'd got to come and collect it and he said and nobody asked for it , I said well I know
24 In his letter to Mrs Paleschi over a year ago , Niazy said : ‘ Just get the embassy to come and visit me and everything will be solved , if God wishes .
25 Phoebe wrapped Maggie in her towel and called Rachel to come and hold her while she found them both some clothes .
26 You should n't have bothered to come and meet me as well . ’
27 A year , a month , and a day on from our first meeting , the 18–30 group is holding a welcome event for all those who would like to come and meet us and find out more about the group , and maybe throw your ideas into the pool .
28 And these bloody boys who were supposed to come and help you if you got , they 're whizzing round and they 're
29 But I have heard that that scoundrel El-ahrairah means to come and steal them if he can .
30 ‘ I had reason to ask [ the defendant ] to come and see me because of reports made by Paulette to me of his violent treatment to her .
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