Example sentences of "[to-vb] the [noun] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 This plant exports the chips to Japan for processing but the scheme to replace the original forest with plantation to sustain the plant indefinitely has foundered because it has not been demonstrated that timber-growing is a worthwhile economic activity that does not threaten ownership of the land .
2 He got a few yards down , he said so I said well have yo you have n't come round to view the house today have you ?
3 Well darling I 've just got to clean the chair up have n't I ?
4 The situation is now so critical that the very structure that is needed to use the aid effectively has disintegrated .
5 His vision and his ability to distribute the ball accurately have added another option to United 's potent attack .
6 The decision not to start the project obviously has a pay-off of 0 .
7 The decision not to start the project obviously has a pay-off of 0 .
8 Each citizen may be said to have the right not to have sexual choices imposed on him or her ; whether the law should go further , and hold that each citizen has the right to pursue his or her sexual choices consensually with another ( subject to public-decency laws and to the protection of the young ) , is a question to be considered separately .
9 To survive the PROFITBOSS just has to beat the competition .
10 Yeah he is oh heck I 've got to get the news in have n't I that worries me .
11 The best way to test the inequality experimentally has turned out to be to measure the correlation in the polarisation of pairs of photons emitted in certain electron transitions in atoms of calcium and mercury .
12 The emphasis being on ‘ was ’ , needless to say the game still has n't materialised , the macho ‘ men ’ keep finding excuses and adopting delaying tactics .
13 I was n't gon na say got to take the money then have n't you ?
14 The call to stop the plant also has the backing of the Pentagon , which points to the proliferation risks of plutonium reprocessing and separation .
15 The Trotskyists and pacifist groups which continued to oppose the war only had the power to attract Left support between late 1939 and 1941 .
16 He could not have been more misguided , for in the sector he had chosen to attack the Germans now had 43 divisions and the French only slightly more : a totally inadequate margin with which to launch an offensive .
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