Example sentences of "[to-vb] the [noun sg] of how " in BNC.

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1 By talking about Renaissance texts , or more accurately texts produced during a period defined by current readers as the Renaissance , we are attempting to provide a type of structure ( how language operated in a defined period ) which deconstruction , in some purist sense , would argue is to miss the point of how language acts as a supplement .
2 Pan Am was getting a bad press — rightly so for its slovenly security at Frankfurt , but wrongly so for its attempts to establish the truth of how the bomb got aboard .
3 If Liz and Owen had n't had that accident , which brought us together to look after the twins , we might never have found each other again ! ’ she cried , feeling almost faint as she fell back on the pillows , hardly able to bear the thought of how narrowly they had averted a lifetime of unhappiness .
4 To exclude the influence of how people might feel about different types of lender or types of credit , the information was confined to the terms of the loan — so that in effect people were choosing between rival credit terms possibly within a single credit type .
5 The 26 environmental groups that make up the Everglades Coalition say the agreement does not go far enough , failing to tackle the problem of how to restore the natural rise and fall of water in the swamps , which has been disrupted by dikes , canals and other human intervention .
6 These are all basic points , but it is still necessary to tackle the question of how the kind of speeds mentioned earlier can be achieved , and this involves more detailed consideration of the way the system should be designed .
7 Using this ‘ recognition ’ to explore the positivity of how domestic relations are lived seems to me an important step beyond assertions that the academic should side with the oppressed …
8 We have to have some independent arguments about how easy or difficult it is for life to originate on a planet , before we can even begin to answer the question of how many other planets in the universe have life .
9 It just seemed to form the basis of how it was going to be .
10 Two or three weeks away from the home environment in a tense atmosphere at the site of a recently crashed aircraft where everyone , officials and public alike , is looking to you to resolve the puzzle of how it came about can be stimulating , even exciting .
11 And to compound the difficulty of how best to interpret the statistics , the author of the test has conceded that physicians , instrument makers , naval experts , agricultural reformers , and general applied scientists are more often to be found among the parliamentarians in the sample .
12 Recently signed to Gilles Peterson 's Talkin' Loud label at Phonogram , it 's here that they 've gathered to address the question of how the Great British music press is going to receive them .
13 At the same time , we may have to accept that the National Curriculum finally forces us to address the question of how far the polarization of the discourse , and the adopting of classroom strategies which celebrate something called ‘ process ’ at the expense of content , may both stem in part from a posture of defensiveness in the face of the problem of the primary class teacher 's curriculum knowledge .
14 But while the advocacy of many of these proposals drew upon long-term developments in social and political thought , it was the economic situation in the inter-war years which forced many to address the question of how the endemic problems of overcapacity in basic industries , structural unemployment and the evident failure of laissez-faire to preserve national prosperity could be overcome .
15 We then need to address the issue of how the funding will change if one authority is able to divest itself of certain fixed assets .
16 Children just beginning on their first language have to solve the problem of how forms map on to meanings .
17 For example in an advertising agency discussion about a new campaign to revive a soft drink one person might be trying to solve the problem of how an old drink can be called " new " in any sense ; another person might be trying to solve the problem of how " old " can be made appealing ; arid a third person might be trying to solve the problem of designing a theme that will sell not to the public but to the marketing manager who has to okay the campaign .
18 For example in an advertising agency discussion about a new campaign to revive a soft drink one person might be trying to solve the problem of how an old drink can be called " new " in any sense ; another person might be trying to solve the problem of how " old " can be made appealing ; arid a third person might be trying to solve the problem of designing a theme that will sell not to the public but to the marketing manager who has to okay the campaign .
19 To understand the behaviour it is essential to consider the question of how a cat faces death .
20 But before these questions are addressed we need to consider the model of how meanings are realized in context .
21 The expert can judge the content , but the views of a novice may well be valuable in helping to judge the effectiveness of how that content is put over .
22 We wish to note the potential of specialist library staff for the INSET of teachers more generally , and to pose the question of how this potential might be developed and exploited .
23 Now detectives are trying to unravel the mystery of how he came to be found face down in a ditch in a plantation on Scotston Farm , Auchterhouse , nearly eight miles from his home on the Ardler estate in Dundee .
24 Reality Therapy involves confronting the sufferer with the reality of life as perceived by others and helping him or her gradually to change the perception of how life should be so that it comes nearer to how life actually is .
25 As the profession 's representative body , the Law Society has had to face the question of how to achieve its strategic aims for the healthy development of the profession over the coming decade , in the absence for most of the year of the promised green shoots of economic recovery .
26 Any consideration of the changing nature of the English village seems inevitably to raise the question of how far the influx of newcomers has destroyed the village ‘ community ’ .
27 After focusing on the Boston Consulting Group ( BCG ) analysis of the situation , which emphasized the importance of building scale and lower costs through experience-curve effects , Pascale visited Japan to get the story of how the Honda executives planned their entry into American markets .
28 And I mean part of the point of doing the training of course is to get the hang of how to handle that .
29 As a preliminary we shall begin to examine the problem of how different kinds of discourse can be categorized , and the parameters which are best used to distinguish them .
30 The purpose of this chapter is to examine the question of how pupils can gain some inkling , through their own experience , of what religion is about , so that their imagination is stimulated to conceive of the possibility of the spiritual dimension being more than meaningless talk .
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