Example sentences of "[to-vb] so that [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think you 'll have to , ’ said Fenella , who found the idea completely appalling , but who was trying to be practical and sensible and make it sound safe for them to go so that they could get Nuadu .
2 It will be videoed , to se you 'll make two applications within that small group session and a second will be videoed but only for you to see so that you can take it away and try and learn from er seeing yourself on video .
3 Australia have shown you have to lose so that you can eventually win .
4 It is better for both partners to attend so that they can discuss the issue and fully appreciate its implications .
5 He 's a very bright man , Michael Howard , but it 's quite clear that he 's much more concerned with grabbing the headlines and finding scapegoats , than with taking action through law that will actually improve the chance , both of preventing crime and of detecting crime , and then even more so , deterring people from re-offending , and it 's most distressing to see that when research showed that a particular non-custodial method of punishment is effective in perhaps fifty or seventy or eighty percent of cases , whereas prison is not , he goes for prison , he goes for picking on squatters , he goes for picking on the defendants right to silence so that we can see more people like er , jailed when they were innocent .
6 If rights are being infringed the Purchaser will need to know so that it can restructure the Business to avoid further infringements .
7 He wanted the days to pass so that he could be back at Ravenswood School , safe in the dining-hall and his classroom .
8 The hound had been given something of Sir Henry 's to smell so that it would pick up his scent and follow him .
9 On Monday morning he drove the car to work so that he could show his colleagues the slightly dented bumper .
10 She slept badly , often waking to listen so that she would not his going in the morning .
11 Behind Boswell 's published account of his fidgety stay at the Mackinnons ' — he felt so lethargic that he did not encourage Johnson to talk so that he would not have to write it down — lies some oddity .
12 Each executive selected an episode that he wished to redesign so that it would not have negative consequences .
13 They tried to reach the River Po , which they hoped to cross so that they could eventually get back to Germany .
14 This means you can also tailor rooms for others to use so that they ca n't get at applications you do n't want them to use .
15 It is to be hoped that future research into the nature of language processing will continue to relate findings about the performance of both skilled and impaired language users on the wide range of tasks which go together to make up out ability to acquire and use language — for it is only by attempting to do so that it will ultimately be possible for psychologists to develop a comprehensive model of language processing .
16 Try to space out any jobs you have to do so that you can alternate resting times with activity .
17 Did you know he gave up what he wanted to do so that you could have material comforts ? ’
18 We wrote to oh I do n't know how many stars for articles that they wish to give so that we could raise money by them .
19 The conclusion drawn in the Malleus Maleficarum , the handbook on witchcraft written in 1486 by two Dominican friars , was that this made tears displeasing to the Devil , and he made it impossible for witches to cry so that they would never find repentance .
20 The 1987 Assembly of the All Africa Conference of Churches asked for opportunities for Church leaders to study so that they can cope with problems cropping up everywhere .
21 One of the councillors on the libraries committee took a copy of Gay News home to study so that he could n't be accused of being uninformed when the time came for him to vote for its rejection .
22 As we approached we could hear the real Chairman of the Ontario Jockey Club welcoming everyone to the adventure and we could see Zak and the other actors waiting for him to finish so that they could get on with the mystery .
23 At around midnight , the chairman used my pregnancy — I was huge by then — as an excuse to break up the meeting : he said that even if no one else was tired , he thought we ought to disperse so that I could get my rest !
24 As an example of the first , changes dependent on effects of atmosphere or mood within a play , I would instance the way in which , in Measure for Measure , the Duke , in his disguise as a Friar , intervenes at the point where Isabella , realizing that Claudio is not wholly willing to die so that she should retain her chastity , collapses into hysterical abuse .
25 And for next time I 'll get some erm a special set of tables for him a lot easier to learn so that he can learn his tables and he 'll only have to learn about half of them and then he 'll know all of them .
26 She begged him to stay so that they could start life afresh as a family .
27 They moved in , and invited William Morris to stay so that he might advise them on decorating and restoring the place .
28 But when you begin fishing , if it is a swim you have never fished before with a swimfeeder , it is essential that you find out how long it takes to empty so that you can set up a rhythm of casting and feeding .
29 There is no law of nature which says that human societies are bound to survive so that we could say ‘ Cheer up , chaps ! ' ’
30 The idea of this power , this energy , came to him as he waited for the traffic lights to change so that he could cross .
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