Example sentences of "[to-vb] what [pers pn] be that " in BNC.

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1 " The important thing is to know what it is that you are dying for " , noted Nizan in 1935 .
2 He could hang around , of course , for the following hour or two , pretending to know what it was that he or anybody else should seek to discover .
3 Take legal advice if you want to , but I intend to know what it was that your uncle confided to you . ’
4 These two tasks are inextricably interwoven : if advisers fail to establish what it is that a client wants to know because of poor interviewing , then they will not be able to supply the correct information even if it is available .
5 One of the secrets of staying healthy is to discover what it is that tends to throw you out of balance and causes illnesses to appear .
6 God has made everybody good at different things , so try to discover what it is that God has given you the ability to do , and try to do it as well as possible .
7 However , it must also be recognised that in most cases when English speakers come across an unfamiliar word , they can pronounce it with the correct stress ( there are exceptions to this , of course ) ; in principle , it should be possible to discover what it is that the English speaker knows and to write in the form of rules .
8 Each causes you to observe what it is that you are trying to remember .
9 Nevertheless , if we are to define what it is that influences our decisions whether or not to indulge our motivations towards crime we inevitably make suppositions about human needs or requirements , which are in turn predicated on assumptions about what it is that gives us pleasure or pain .
10 Is it possible to define what it is that they have in common ?
11 It is possible to imagine that for some people such consolation might make it easier to reconcile the two , and to wonder what it was that made the difference in Fraser 's case .
12 The parents will begin to identify what it is that irritates them so much .
13 First , one has to identify what it is that undergraduates actually study .
14 Of course , sometimes we do feel that the other person has been rather abrupt in ending the conversation , and that is the moment when we should do our ethnomethodological analysis to identify what it was that they , or we , failed to do as part of bringing the conversation to a proper and recognizable end .
15 By contrast , how is the primary school to manage what it is that passes to the secondary school ?
16 They have taken a long hard look at the way Japanese firms operate and tried to understand what it is that makes them so much more productive and successful .
17 Sergeant Bramble and Constable Quince very quickly gave up trying to understand what it was that the experts were looking for .
18 They did not know then , were not to know for many years , were never fully to understand what it was that held them together — a sense of being on the margins of English life , perhaps , a sense of being outsiders , looking in from a cold street through a lighted window into a warm lit room that later might prove to be their own ?
19 Some use will be made of notions of risk , danger and pollution to analyse what it is that people find attractive or unattractive about such different environments .
20 She examined him hard , trying to decide what it was that had changed ; the wind was freshening off the sea , lifting the dark hair from his brow , and his face looked strong , serene .
21 Examine all the humour you come across — in shops , at work , with children , on the TV — and try to ascertain what it is that makes something funny for you .
22 It 's a previously unexplored area , but W.H.Smith/Do It All commissioned a media psychologist , Jane Firbank , to investigate what it is that motivates a phenomenally , perhaps weirdly , growing pastime .
23 Williams argues that the utilitarian , given his empirical approach , should recognize this fact and be prepared to investigate what it is that gives these people happiness .
24 Being submissive is the co point where what happens when you 're submissive you keep it inside you do n't feel you 're worthy enough or you have n't got you have n't got the self esteem to rate yourself as being able to have what it is that you want , so you keep it inside and you do n't say anything and then you walk away should 've said this and should 've said that and all it does is eat away at you and it does that to you physically as well I mean scientific tests are already showing now that physically these sort of things you do if often be submissive enough what that does it pretty much helps helps you to eat your body up from the inside and causes physical problems which pretty much do that anyway .
25 It is not at all easy to see what it is that makes one thing tough and another brittle because the substances in each of these lists seem to have little enough in common .
26 The Picture that had so nearly secured its hold faded from the refracting blankness in the instant it took Harry to realize what it was that Kingdom wanted from him .
27 Now although it is true that we need to consider contextual factors to explain what it is that creates a feeling of unity in stretches of language of more than one sentence , we can not say that there are no formal links between sentences in discourse .
28 If one considers the difference between my father at such moments and a figure such as Mr Jack Neighbours even with the best of his technical flourishes , I believe one may begin to distinguish what it is that separates a ‘ great ’ butler from a merely competent one .
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