Example sentences of "[to-vb] if they [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Politicians are n't going to stick their necks out to help break up the various logjams unless we 're shouting and yelling at them from the bank — for the most part to encourage them , but also to warn them of dire consequences to come if they get out of the hot water before the job is done .
2 They will not lend any further sums unless they hold jewels as security , and more , unless they may have letters patent to give them the right to sell if they do not get repayment by the date appointed .
3 The guys here would be the first to refuse to participate if they did n't like the way they were portrayed .
4 Huge unemployment resulted and East Europeans began to wonder if they had not been better off in economic isolation — though there was no going back on political reform .
5 If the economy is in recession , no matter how low interest rates are driven , people can not be forced to borrow if they do not wish to .
6 We 're going to experiment with one or two of those to see if they survive better .
7 The harbour master waved at the Sadler 32 , but it was heeled too far over for him to see if they waved back .
8 A COMPUTER has sent bills for 0.00p to Severn-Trent water users in the Midlands — threatening to sue if they do n't pay up .
9 To the extent that non-governmental bodies perform functions which government would have to perform if they did not , there is no good reason why such bodies should not be subject to judicial review in the same way as a government body performing equivalent functions would be .
10 ‘ I think all criminals know what to expect if they monkey about with other people 's motorcars . ’
11 A recent RAC survey shows that only 16% of women know what to do if they break down on a motorway .
12 He 'd got other things to do if they did n't want him on his terms .
13 He topped up his coffee-cup before answering , ‘ And what do you plan to do if they do n't ? ’
14 The transition from ward to home is usually difficult , and patients are likely to relapse if they do not receive adequate support and supervision .
15 Hazily , Meredith tried to recall if they 'd always looked so intensely inviting .
16 Prisoners who do not of necessity have to be detained for the protection of the public are in some cases more likely to be made into decent citizens if , before completing the whole of their sentence , they are released under supervision with a liability to recall if they do not behave .
17 However , you will have to pay if they do badly .
18 At the same time , Toyota , Nissan and the others will find it hard to expand if they do not design their cars , and many of the parts contained in them , to meet local tastes and fashions .
19 Egoistic traits may be expected to survive if they benefit also the descendants which inherit them , to be weeded out if they benefit the individual at the expense of its offspring ( for example , cannibalizing its brood , or long outlasting its reproductive powers ) ; altruistic traits will tend to survive if they benefit kin which are also transmitting them ( in particular , the mother 's protection of her young ) , to die out if they give the advantage to strangers which are not .
20 This is for senior management groups to test if they know where they are going and the processes they use as well as the factors against which success can be judged .
21 Right , we , we , we did actually draw , or we not draw , we , we adopted a constitution during the year and the officers that are erm elected are the Chair , the Secretary and the Treasurer , erm and other , together with other such officers , yeah to determine by general meeting , erm , so it 's really only those three , er and we have sometimes had Advice Chair if there 's only been one Chairman have n't we , one Chair person erm so I think people need to say if they do n't wish to carry on the jobs they 're doing and if anybody wishes to nominate anyone in a particular post then slip at the bottom of the minutes could be filled in and either brought to meeting or sent back to the Secretary .
22 Most of the other metopes are fragmentary , and it is hard to say if they carry out this distinction , though the little that remains of the lion suggests that it went well with the other western ones .
23 All the drugs weakened the fine control of blood pressure , so that patients were liable to faint if they stood up too suddenly .
24 Roughly how many more steps does the boy have to take if they walk together for half a kilometre ?
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