Example sentences of "[to-vb] into [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is too easy to slip into a mood of depression at the outset of what promises to be a period of very significant change in education but , in relation to the concerns identified earlier , it would have to be said that the omens are not propitious .
2 She was able to slip into a place in an adult society .
3 But I 'm sure that once she joins you in the pool she will find it easy enough to slip into the flow of things .
4 Since citizenship has become a fashionable and acceptable word , it is easy to slip into the habit of using it in preference to ‘ individual rights ’ or ‘ human rights ’ , but it is important to bear in mind the desirability of keeping the private sphere of the life of the individual separate from his role as citizen , an essentially political role and status .
5 Where , for instance , an independent power generator will be permitted by Directive to plug into the grid of any Member State ( something , as we have seen , not actually proposed by the Commission at present ) , it will be able to do so only with a safety clearance from the appropriate ‘ home ’ authority .
6 When sufficient thermal energy is present in the system the vibrations can cause a segment to jump into a hole by co-operative bond rotation and a series of such jumps will enable the complete polymer chain eventually to change its position .
7 Dads had to jump into a lake from a rope-bridge just above the surface .
8 The most exciting part was when we had to jump into the water from a 12ft high board .
9 She was a thin , long-waisted girl of about thirty , with a bony , intelligent face and a cap of dark curling hair which had been layered by an obvious expert , and no doubt expensive , hand to lie in swathes across the forehead and to curl into the nape of her high-arched neck .
10 On one Saturday in June , 30-odd climbers could be found on Carn Dearg ( almost as many people as were on the summit of Everest one day in May ) , with half a dozen helmeted lemmings waiting to leap into the void down the titan 's Wall abseil .
11 Kenotic christology of this sort did have its own internal problems : on closer examination it is not easy to understand what exactly it can mean to speak of this ‘ self-emptying ’ , and attempts to make the matter more precise tend to fade into a tangle of artificialities and contradictions .
12 Between her and Christopher there had been no euphoria to fade into the light of common day .
13 so they must 've been fairly sure of their support to allow them to come into an area of villages .
14 Old Cowslip was n't afraid to come into the middle of us , was he ? "
15 ‘ Edinburgh citizens , ’ Mr Thin complained , ‘ were advised not to come into the centre of town , and they took this advice very literally . ’
16 Such is found to be the effectiveness of having a second person-in-role ( usually another teacher ) that Newcastle upon Tyne Drama Advisory Team have cultivated the idea of offering a ‘ character ’ to the local schools ( they call it ‘ Rent-a-role ’ , so that a class in a primary school , say , working on the topic of The Peasants ' Revolt can — with sufficient notice of course ! — ask one of the team to come into the school as Wat Tyler ) .
17 Ideas , materials and methodology used all tend to come into the country from outside .
18 as well , had a little do with a little boy called Shane , he decided he wanted to come into the story with a , in his blue car , I explained that on the day of the choose he could either come in and have a story or he was to play with the blue car outside , well he had a fit , he 's rattling the door , anyway , I did n't realize there was this childminder that he had with him not er his mum , cos she came and had her sort of say and things
19 Horizontally restricted layers are generally considered to come into the category of Bénard convection provided that the boundary conditions on the end-walls are such that there is still an equilibrium solution ( stable or unstable ) of the equations with the fluid at rest .
20 The club , by now had spilled out into a sort of annexe conservatory at the back of the room and by the time the summer arrived , people were spilling out into the garden and , in fact , used to come into the club by this route illegally .
21 He advised them not to come into the off-licence with him .
22 Obviously he was then lucky that a lot of outstanding players began to come into the team at the same period , men like Richards , Greenidge , Roberts , Holding , Croft , Garner , and he had material of the highest class on which to work .
23 If we go back a few years , I do n't know how many people remember before we had DOPACS , I remember when projects used to come into the group from on high , they used to filter through the organization , until they landed on somebody 's desk who was actually supposed to carry out the work .
24 The next night , before going to bed , Gabriel called his two dogs to come into the house for the night .
25 Often , people who hesitate to come into the world of education — perhaps because English is not their first language , because education has not been highlighted as important in their households or because they missed an opportunity earlier in life — can come into adult education , not necessarily taking vocational courses in the first instance , but going on to take such courses , which provide them with the training and self-assurance they need .
26 ‘ We would n't want my son to come into the world without his father 's name now , would we , eh ? ’
27 Italy meanwhile , prompted by a young radical called Benito Mussolini , negotiated to come into the war on the side of the Allies .
28 He used to come into the shop after a little while and he 'd go back in the kitchen again and he 'd come back again later on .
29 His clients were normally able to come into the market with at least 110,000 each per trade , and sometimes as much as £100,000 .
30 We would n't want a load of medical students to come into the room for a good look , for example .
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