Example sentences of "[to-vb] it and that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Could you know anything without first presupposing that you are there to know it and that there is something there to be known ?
2 If you are going to show candidates around then make sure there is someone to do it and that anyone whose work/routine might be affected has been given some advance warning .
3 I hope that you continue to enjoy it and that you will send me your comments , your thoughts and your news .
4 The Audit Commission pointed out that 4 million people would be lifted out of the penury of having to pay it and that it would be possible to concentrate on those who can genuinely afford to pay but who do not .
5 ( I am still smarting at the MILLSTONE remark about poor little B , at which simply roared with laughter , told me to ignore it and that he , , was merely getting crabbit , old , critical and jealous … ) .
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