Example sentences of "[to-vb] it [prep] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Its alleged that Mr Middleton repeatedly whipped the animal to frighten it into jumping clear .
2 Rationalization refers to people 's efforts to construct an explanation for their fallibility which allows them to own it without feeling bad about it .
3 Thus , if the body clock is delayed then one tries to advance it by giving bright light in the morning , and if it is advanced then the light is given in the evening to delay it .
4 Jitters had his gun back , with just one bloody buggering round left in it , so he would jolly well have to put it to freaking good use , would n't he , by jove .
5 Thus ‘ held with the intention ’ came to be construed in a sense which the language of Parliament can not possibly bear as a matter of ordinary sense and grammar , as embracing not only material held by the crooked solicitor but material held without any intention on the part of the holder but infected , either at the time of its creation or , seemingly , at any subsequent time , by an intention on the part of any person , whether the client entitled to it or anyone else , to use it for furthering some criminal purpose .
6 This loss is an empty gap in the characters ' lives and both Celie and Ponyboy try to fill it by installing great love and understanding into their friendships .
7 Software biggie Software AG is putting in an internal Industry Standards Program Office to guide it in implementing such things and communicate same to its customers : its initial focus will be on applications development , database and repository management , networking , GUIs and operating systems .
8 I hung it on a branch to keep it from getting damp .
9 Rafiq says that storing hashish inside the skin of a freshly-slaughtered sheep is the only way to keep it from going stale .
10 I 've been feeding it a goodly amount of quinine and aspirin in the night to keep it from going hungry . "
11 At issue is the FBI 's ability to wiretap in future … the FBI is not only asking the industry to dumb down existing software , it wants to prohibit it from developing new technologies that might interfere with the government 's ability to intercept various oral and electronic communications . ’
12 This is elementary contract law , because , obviously , once the contract has been formed it is too late to try to change it by adding additional terms ( see Olley v Marlborough Court Ltd [ 1949 ] 1 KB 532 ) .
13 The report on East Cleveland 's housing shortage was made at a forum in Skelton which revealed that there are : 114 homeless families in East Cleveland 2000 households on the council 's waiting list Only 35 new private houses built in the area in 1991–2 Langbaurgh council has £11m from the sale of council houses but is not allowed to spend it on building new ones .
14 There is just enough décor and furniture to prevent it from looking empty , but space and simplicity are the most powerful impressions made on the visitor — what Leonard called in a different context ‘ the voluptuousness of austerity . ’
15 Thin Ethernet uses a coaxial BNC connector with a rotating sleeve lock , to prevent it from coming adrift from the network interface card .
16 She acknowledged that ‘ cultural work must be closely combined with political tasks ’ , and went on to prove it by signing three directives on the censorship of libraries between 1920 and 1924 .
17 John Bader of Guernsey , who made a profit out of selling roses to Labour and then sought to safeguard it by voting Tory .
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