Example sentences of "[to-vb] to the point of " in BNC.

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1 During the eighteenth century the State acknowledged his right to punish to the point of death a serf who displeased him , to enrol him in the army , to exile him to Siberia , to trade and dispose of his human property as he pleased .
2 What the widow , divorcee or sorrowing woman fails to realize is that if the grieving were to stop the interest might diminish , or if intimacy were to develop to the point of involving responsibility , comfort would be withdrawn .
3 It must take him at least half an hour to get to the point of the flash and back to his own bank , even if it turned out to be a wild goose chase and he was able to return immediately .
4 Frankly , dear readers , I was getting bored waiting for the graphs to get to the point of maximum excitement .
5 The cost of admission is figured at $150,000 just to get to the point of manufacturing .
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