Example sentences of "[to-vb] and a [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The next moment , the railway lines began to shake and a train came screaming out of the tunnel .
2 The conduct of persons who daub walls with racist graffiti is also nominally caught , although for practical reasons it may be simpler for the police to arrest and a prosecution brought for criminal damage , which carries a higher penalty if the damage done is sufficiently great , always supposing that the culprit can be apprehended .
3 Trustees would hold the legal estate on trust with a power ( though not a duty ) to sell and a power to retain .
4 To be in doubt is to be in two minds , to be caught between two worlds , to be suspended between a desire to affirm and a desire to negate .
5 Others still have a long way to go and a lot to learn about their disabilities .
6 If there is a time to sew and a time to reap , the latter has not yet arrived .
7 A time to plant and a time to uproot .
8 A time to kill and a time to heal
9 But Wordsworth had already proposed in his Guide that the Lake District should be made ‘ a sort of national property in which every man has a right and interest who has an eye to perceive and a heart to enjoy ’ ; we can now see that , over a hundred years before his time , he had come up with the idea of a National Park .
10 Furthermore , Matthew stresses that the task of telling men the good news and ‘ baptising them into the possession of the Holy Spirit will only De theirs after the cross and resurrection have given them a gospel to proclaim and a Spirit to receive ( 28:19 ) .
11 It is very easy to look at diagrams and read how it is done , but quite another matter when you have to get down to soil level with thousands to do and a foreman standing over you !
12 One important factor is that the villagers have something to read and a reason to read it .
13 It is a fire to warm and a hammer to break , water to cleanse , milk to nourish , meat to invigorate , light to guide , a sword for the fight , and a mirror to reveal .
14 In the meantime she had a business to run and a show to prepare .
15 A student 's life is ruled by the clock : there 's a time to be up and about if you want breakfast ; a time to be in college for a lecture or tutorial ; a time by which you must hand in an essay or project report ; a time to study and a time to relax .
16 The only requirements are patience , a willingness to learn and a readiness to let go of the habits of a lifetime .
17 The simplest accommodation is all that is looked for , just good clean sleeping rooms with blankets , somewhere to eat and a place to shelter from inclement weather .
18 Implementing a primary health care programme in a developed country with an established tradition of health care requires a flexibility within the structures , an openness to change and a need to examine the structures within which a primary health care programme can be fully implemented .
19 Our church is a very special place , a place to pray and a place to meet with other people .
20 I had Masquerade to mend and a life to live and , even if it meant living it without Ellen , my charter days were done .
21 There were telephone calls to make and a letter to write .
22 My eyes started to blink and a lump stuck in my throat … if you have ever seen a dog barking in French , wagging not only its rudder but its complete hind quarters , and trying to punch you in your chest at the same time — there you have Emily 's welcome in a nut-shell .
23 Four kids to rear and a husband coughing away his lungs from mustard gas .
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