Example sentences of "[to-vb] and [pron] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 On some cases yes because I was always told this man he that used to come and he was so clean looking and that he was a barber .
2 But we will hear more of this in years to come and it is yet another sign that church planting is on God 's agenda at this time for Britain , for Europe , and for every nation .
3 People were sitting the main point of the chair is is to enable you to write and it 's actually very satisfactory to write in , it 's just the right height .
4 ( The first dozen pages of one of Simenon 's novels , Maigret 's Pickpocket , just describe , for instance , Maigret riding a bus to work and one is simply gripped . )
5 erm , one of the er chaps that come to work and he 's always on Corby that 's what David told us
6 This is possible using RR or Rover SD1 solenoids but as a kit is not available a great deal of experimentation is required to get the system to work and it is virtually impossible to fit to rear door .
7 The revenue obtained a huge sum of money which they had no right to demand and they are now hanging on to a very large amount of interest which they have no moral right to retain .
8 The Hanmer family were the first of the new immigrants to appear and they were still there 120 years later .
9 He realized that there was a whole way of life of the people in India which he would never get to know and which was totally indifferent to him and his concerns .
10 ‘ We have been given reassurances that the water is safe to drink and it was just the long hot summer but we are not so sure .
11 approach , that 's why everybody ca n't , you know , everyone has to conform and it 's like
12 ‘ They are getting as good prices as the fishermen in this country but our fishermen , although perhaps disappointed at price levels , know how to behave and it is about time the Frenchmen took a leaf out of their book . ’
13 AMALVY/AFP Fisherman 's fury : A French trawlerman hurls a fish towards riot police during the clashes in Paris yesterday ‘ Our fishermen know how to behave and it is about time the Frenchmen took a leaf out of their book ’
14 It was the only present any of them was likely to receive and she was deeply touched .
15 The two companies ' more obvious synergies , claims le Quement , extend to design and he 's already given free access to Renault 's Billancourt design centre to all Volvo 's senior designers .
16 So I was trying to spare and it 's really the most coldest branch I 've ever been in .
17 People naturally want to retire and it is therefore important to offer opportunities for fulfilment in leisure , education and voluntary activities and to recognise the valuable role played by older people within the family .
18 Yeah I sorted out all my ten p ready to go and they were there .
19 We 've two weeks to go and we are nowhere near being ready . ’
20 ‘ It would be stupid to rule out promotion because there is a long way to go and we are now looking a decent team , ’ he said .
21 For nightlife , Bodrum is the place to go and it 's so close you really can have the best of both resorts .
22 All too soon it was time to go and it was almost reluctantly that she drove him back to Brooklands .
23 ‘ We have still got ten days to go and I 'm quite sure that in that time our efforts will mean Mr Gregory will be all right . ’
24 He added : ‘ She is going to make it but there is a long way to go and she is still seriously ill .
25 I think he 's fit to go and he 's so unhappy that it seems unkind to keep him caged up .
26 It helps if you know which sounds are easy to see and which are more difficult ( shown on charts Pages 61 and 72 ) .
27 He said , ‘ There 's absolutely nothing to see and it 's awfully full of nettles ’ ; at the same moment Jean Powers was saying noisily that not a solitary soul had been into the Britches in years and the village wondered what Edward got up to in there — ha ha ! — some people said he must be into black magic , or maybe he was growing cannabis .
28 There was not a lot of the ship left to see and it was very cold , below zero in fact .
29 and you 've got a group , the rich within the agricultural sector who are going to invest and they are more likely to invest in agriculture .
30 if I do that you 've all got to scatter and we were really worried about what we might find .
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