Example sentences of "[to-vb] be [vb pp] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The ’ height ’ which it tries to minimize is called the machine 's energy , and is defined to be
2 The decision to sell was taken a year before the deal was done and the company looked at 11 different suitors before picking Shandwick .
3 The experiment has been extended by trying to teach rats , at various intervals after teaching them to run to avoid a shock , to stay dead still to avoid being given a shock .
4 Careful to avoid being declared a fugitive , Coleman had kept up the fortnightly calls to his pre-trial services officer in Chicago , reporting truthfully but contriving to leave his precise whereabouts in doubt .
5 Viewers wishing to help were given the address of AI at the end of the programme : over 1,500 letters were subsequently received at the AI office .
6 All you have to do is run the MS-DOS executive and carry on as normal .
7 What one is supposed to do is put a screw in each side of the head , put on calipers and hang weights off to put their head in traction .
8 All you have to do is put the chicken carcass in and leave it
9 Mm , we 'll rough it for a while , because I know the downers , the only thing that Mike wants to do is put the fence and the gate up the side
10 When you 've ploughed your way through all that mail , glanced at each report and discarded the promotional bumph , the last thing you might want to do is read a book or journal on management .
11 Having loaded your game for the very first time , the last thing you want to do is read an instruction sheet this size .
12 Then all Paul had to do was put a tick under the right person 's name in the right colour for their shift .
13 ( Notice that " Modern Language " in titles usually means literature as well as language , and looking in bibliographies for ideas about what to read is called a LITERATURE SEARCH — " literature " in this sense means " the collection of what has been written " . )
14 2 In the event of the Manager ceasing to be an employee or Director of the Company as a result of dismissal or retirement [ or redundancy ] [ or death ] there shall be deemed to have been given a Transfer Notice in respect of his entire holding of shares and the price of such shares shall be : ( a ) if a dismissal or retirement [ or redundancy ] [ or death ] shall occur prior to … the lower of cost and Market Value ; or ( b ) if the dismissal or retirement [ or death ] shall occur at any time after …
15 Market Value ; 3 In the event of the death of a Manager there shall be deemed to have been given a Transfer Notice in respect of his entire holding of shares and the price of such shares shall be the higher of cost and Market Value .
16 It does sound to me was there has to have been given a reason as to why the claim was rejected .
17 Bowie is a close enough friend of Scorsese 's to have been given a storyboard of a fight scene in the director 's Raging Bull ( Bowie loves boxing ) although he intensely disliked Marty 's latest film , the box-office smash Cape Fear .
18 A third person may resent the waste of money and prefer to have been given a bonus to spend as he wishes .
19 I seem to have been given the freedom
20 And I am certain he would love to have been given the chance to impress the NIBA selectors as they prepare to pick the side for next month 's senior championship in Dublin .
21 ‘ I feel deeply honoured to have been given the opportunity of continuing the work I 've started in the last 16 months , ’ he said .
22 All told , I regard myself as incredibly lucky to have been given the opportunity of being Chairman of the National Gallery , and I could n't have enjoyed it more .
23 He was a young lawyer of about thirty in his first year in Parliament , who had sufficiently impressed someone in Government to have been given the job of Junior Minister at the Trade office .
24 Nicole looked quite thrilled to have been asked the question , and she haltingly explained that her son was at a party and that they would be collecting him later that morning .
25 The following is an example of a typical clause : 1 In the event of a Manager ceasing to be either an employee or Director of the Company otherwise than by reason of dismissal , retirement [ redundancy ] [ or death ] , there shall be deemed to have been served a Transfer Notice in respect of his entire holding of shares [ NB : should be defined to include all shares held by family trusts or nominees ] and the price for such shares shall be the lower of cost and Market Value .
26 She is another likely to have been denied a post in the Kinnock government that now will not happen .
27 John Fisher , a Cambridge man , is the only head of a college at either university to have been made a saint .
28 One thousand babies later , in April 1919 , Edith Pye departed , one of very few women to have been made a chévalier of the Legion of Honour .
29 You were grateful not to have been born a boy , for that meant the probability of dying in war .
30 Would you prefer to have been born a man ?
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