Example sentences of "[to-vb] be [adv] [adj] than " in BNC.

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1 He was now using his powers to remind me of that as if the matter he was about to broach was more important than any spy .
2 This is because it is much more difficult to recognise being too high than being a little on the low side .
3 In the words of Abraham Lincoln ‘ Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing ’ .
5 His devotion to music seems in fact to have been even stronger than his feeling for words : " there are times when everything … that can not be grasped in terms of musical relations actually fills me with disgust and horror " .
6 The JSP campaign was generally felt to have been less effective than that which it had fought in 1989 .
7 He had had a charter drawn up , which presumably contained a boundary clause , but this seems to have been less significant than the authority of the witnesses .
8 It was the rear gable , but in any case the Greeks seem to have been less concerned than we should expect to relate the decoration closely to the temple 's deity .
9 Actual German losses in fact seem to have been much lighter than were claimed ; two Ju87Bs of the Gruppenstab were lost over Valetta , returning crews reporting that both Oblt .
10 In manufacturing industry where the US decline was sharpest , the rate of profit ( before taxation ) seems to have been significantly higher than in the rest of the ACCs ( 28 per cent over the years 1955–70 as against 23 per cent elsewhere ) .
11 It was hard to remember what her life had been like before Leo came , but , whatever it had been , it had to have been more peaceful than this .
12 Using a theoretical model originally suggested by Dixit ( 1987 ) , the UK quota has been shown to have been more restrictive than a tariff-equivalent quota , while the EC minimum import price was less restrictive than an optimal tariff .
13 But then he would have had to have been more obtuse than he was not to have known already .
14 That is why talks with GM are rumoured to have been more extensive than those with Ford , which appears to have adopted a more aggressive stance .
15 Although the former heads of the two securities houses added little to their previous statements , Tabuchi admitted on Aug. 29 that Nomura 's links with Japan 's organized crime syndicates , which had been revealed in July [ see p. 38342 ] , were currently under investigation and might prove to have been more extensive than had been initially suggested .
16 In Birmingham , Lambeth and Croydon the relationship between officers and councillors certainly appears to have been more equal than the ‘ dictatorship of the official ’ thesis would suggest .
17 Female involvement may have been at the fringes , though what took place in this ‘ marginal , area may turn out to have been more important than long-forgotten events on the field of play .
18 That moment seems in retrospect to have been more exciting than any of the films that followed .
19 they considered the report to have been more judgmental than descriptive ;
20 The officer delegated to collect her from the station seems to have been more disconcerted than she was .
21 The level of the roddons has probably been accentuated by the oxidation and consequent lowering of the level of the peat on either side , but the roddons are thought to have been always higher than the surrounding peat fen ( Godwin , 1938 ) .
22 State agencies other then the Ministry of Internal Affairs , furthermore , either had become convinced that the government would run more risks by abandoning reform than it would by continuing with it , or were acquiring ministers whose commitment to change was actually greater than that of their predecessors .
23 When he let go of her to shut the door her impatience for him to return was almost more than her body could stand .
24 July 1945 , and as the number of people expected to attend was considerably more than the Chiswick Town Hall could accommodate , the ceremony was held at the Chiswick Empire , hired for the occasion , and to which ‘ Monty ’ accompanied by the Mayor , Alderman T. W. Stroud , J.P. , rode in a landau carriage through cheering crowds .
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