Example sentences of "[to-vb] the [adj] [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 After the 1988 Education Reform Act , the primary team expanded further to accommodate the additional responsibilities placed on LEAs by the Act .
2 The general climate of the times was all too apparent as riots broke out in Spa Fields in London in late 1816 , followed in due course by the March of the Blanketeers , the Pentrich Rebellion in Derbyshire , the Peterloo Massacre and that desperate attempt to kill the entire cabinet known as the Cato Street Conspiracy .
3 He said Labour would be denied the opportunity to re-erect the interventionist policies promised in the policy review .
4 His first book , the collection of stories entitled Goodbye , Columbus , fixed him in the popular mind , from 1959 , as an ‘ enemy of the Jews ’ — a condition aggravated by the onanistic bravura and scandalous mad success of the grotesquely imaginative Portnoy 's Complaint ( 1969 ) , and not much improved in recent years by The Counterlife ( 1987 ) , in which various escapes from Jewish America , including an escape to Israel , are projected , and in which Zuckerman and his dentist brother Henry are both imagined to have ailing hearts and to undertake gruesome surgery in order to restore the sexual potency suspended by their medication .
5 Radio in the 1940S and television under the Fifth Republic enabled de Gaulle to ‘ commune ’ with the French people : circumstances frequently conspired to dramatize the stark alternatives associated with his name ; in 1940 the rejection of collaboration and defeat ; from 1946 to 1958 , when out of power and largely absent from the radio , he slowly became ‘ le recours ’ , the possible saviour from the ‘ regime des parties ’ , party factions and divisions ; when President ( 1958–69 ) , and master of the airwaves , the recurrent implicit or explicit message was ‘ but for me , France faces chaos ’ — ‘ moi ou le chaos ’ — the twentieth-century equivalent of Louis XIV 's celebrated ‘ l'état c'est moi ’ — ‘ I am the state ’ .
6 On July 21 the Finance Minister , Nasir Abdel allah al Rawdan indicated that the government did not intend to borrow the entire sum authorized by the decree ; he expected the actual amount borrowed to be less than $24,000 million .
7 My second observation demonstrates the absurdity of the idea that our relationship was , to borrow the elegant formula adopted by one news comic , ‘ the perverted passion of two sex junkies who would do anything — even kill — for their fix ’ .
8 Prior to the opening of the Republican Party convention , the party 's leadership attempted to curb the huge lead enjoyed by the Democrats by launching a series of attacks on the character of Democratic presidential nominee Bill Clinton .
9 Controversial legislation to be presented during the session included the draft Russian Constitution , and a bankruptcy law to enforce the presidential decree issued in June [ see p. 38974 ] .
10 Substances known to affect the NO-cGMP pathway affected muscle relaxation by leucocytes ( tables I and II ) .
11 The next step is to enrich the behavioural repertoire used in communication by imitating the signals of others and to associate the performance of signals with the context in which they are given .
12 He said his was perhaps an ‘ old-fashioned ’ view — that he did not want to see the entire world addicted to drugs , like the synthetic existence described in Brave New World — but it was an enormous leap , he thought , from ‘ smoking a little grass to that grim picture ’ .
13 You may decide to see the entire list written down first and then to have the questions asked at random .
14 It is of course difficult to ‘ police ’ this objection , and there is a certain ambivalence in the attitude of some countries ; recognising the usefulness of postal service , they welcome it as a supplementary method designed to back up the ‘ official ’ service effected in other ways , but are unhappy to see the postal channel treated as appropriate or sufficient in itself .
15 All have a right to see the new architecture planned for their town .
16 ‘ We hope to be able to introduce a bill as soon as the legislative timetable permits and to see the new line completed around the end of the decade . ’
17 He said he would like to see the environmental burden removed from the industry in the future and salmon farmers paid , in the same way as agricultural farmers , for sound conservation practice .
18 The Council , for historical reasons an influential force in German politics , would like to see the Soviet Jews welcomed in Germany .
19 The rail shape gradually changes throughout a board 's length ; unless you look carefully it is difficult to see the subtle changes involved .
20 Id like to see the present formation kept as is .
21 In fact the writer goes on to say , ‘ It would be the embalmer 's dream never to see another ‘ posted case ’ , and he would like to see the usual procedure altered with regard to the requesting of a post-mortem examination .
22 Its response to these events was to see the sinister interests represented by the challenge to the international order as being peculiar to the revisionist states , Italy , Japan , and Germany .
23 What he expected was to see the Labour Government driven into an election either by its own dissensions or by the action of the Liberals , and its consequent replacement by a Conservative administration , obviously with himself at the head .
24 How I long to see the black kid depicted as something other than the tam-donning , dope-smoking , unemployed gang member , structuring his life around reggae music , blues parties , and thieving , and phrasing his life 's ambitions in terms of one day to the next with little or no positive orientation to the world and an outlook flavoured by prejudice and ignorance .
25 It made Hari so angry to see the little ones neglected but there was very little anyone could do , poverty was a fact of life in places like World 's End .
26 The early pre-emptive presence of the blue helmets is an earnest of the world 's desire not to see the Bosnian war repeated in Macedonia .
27 The delay was partly the result of the intervention of Philip II of Spain , who had no desire to see the English queen deposed in favour of the Catholic but pro-French claimant , Mary Queen of Scots .
28 It was the latter 's son Joseph , now about 55 , who lived to see the whole enterprise brought to a halt by the hostilities .
29 Erm I , I 'd like to see what Peter would like to see actually , I think we ought to see the whole thing done in one fell swoop .
30 Born and dying within a decade of each other , both lacked formal university or professional training , both rejected Christian dogma but felt lost without it , both carved out careers for which there were few models , and both preferred to work with men , refusing to acknowledge the personal benefits gained from the feminist struggle .
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