Example sentences of "[to-vb] that if [pers pn] did " in BNC.

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1 We we were brought up to believe that if you did n't do the right thing you would be punished .
2 ‘ But I like to think that if I did n't do it , someone else would have done it with a lot less taste and love for the countryside . ’
3 ‘ I am not quite sure , ’ the writer said , ‘ why these American officers were in the Catalinas ’ , and he went on to say that if they did play a valuable part in the operation , the Admiralty might care to recognize their services .
4 But , surely , for him to say that if she did n't want to be seduced , she 'd better keep her distance had to mean that he really did desire her — did n't it ?
5 He went on to say that if I did not return I would be making myself voluntarily homeless and would never be re-housed .
6 She began to feel that if she did this a few more times she would get the hang of it .
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