Example sentences of "[to-vb] that they would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She often seemed to worry that they would appear strange to me and out of key with the age .
2 Aung San and his supporters were demanding full independence , but I happened to know that they would have been content , possibly even pleased , to be granted Dominion status .
3 With the horse-trading in the event of a hung parliament certain to be ferocious , Liberal Democrats are keen to indicate that they would strike a tough bargain .
4 The Social Democrats have already started to deny that they would ask for this help — a denial spurred perhaps by some mistrust of the Greens by their own mainstream supporters .
5 It was generally believed that they were proposing to seek an electoral pact with the Conservatives , so as to ensure that they would hold their seats against what was expected to be a Conservative landslide at the next general election .
6 All at once , they allowed themselves to believe that they would go on living .
7 When we read in the Roslavl' files that twenty-three agitator brigades were dispatched to villages in order to celebrate international Women 's Day , it is hard to imagine that they ever came across our peasant woman from Struga , and even more difficult to believe that they would have much impact on her ways of thinking even if they did .
8 Mr Aziz 's initial reaction encouraged the Russians to believe that they would get a good reply , and get it promptly .
9 The point was to get slaveholders to recognise that they would have to adopt ‘ the most economical mode of cultivation ’ .
10 The sharing of the collector 's salary was really what appears to have been in the thoughts of Craigbarnet and his friends , for Dougalston too returned to this point in his letter to Montrose 's commissioner , telling him that Craigbarnet 's friends had given him to understand that they would support Kirkton 's re-election , ‘ with the same sellary that he now has if he would give Craigbarnett fifteen or twentie pound sterling yearly out of it ’ .
11 With England discredited , the Protestants were in a much weaker position ; from Mary of Guise 's point of view , there was now no particular reason to suppose that they would upset the old order .
12 If peasants could get out of hand when the government was trying to raise a militia , it was not unreasonable to suppose that they would run amok on learning what the government meant by freedom .
13 Local parties also pressed sitting MPs to declare that they would fight next time without the coalition label and many gave way to these suggestions .
14 I. , N. and R. It may be indeed that such doctors will be willing to say that they would give the very authority for mechanical intervention which the doctors who have so far given evidence did not support .
15 We can examine whether the Social Attitudes Survey in 1984 finds the same pattern ; we might expect , on the basis of this reasoning , that the more educated people would be less likely to say that they would break an unjust law .
16 We saw in this chapter that the rich are more inclined to say that they would break an unjust law than the poor .
17 They were the first to say that they would prefer to trust all this to people who knew something about education .
18 The Grimaud family had written to say that they would meet her with a blue Corvette .
19 It was presented in a further long meeting , going on well into the early hours of the morning , when George Elvin , having conferred with several of his senior colleagues on my telephone , returned to say that they would accept the proposal .
20 Thus , where landlords were entitled to determine a twenty-one year lease " at the expiration of fourteen years if they shall require the premises for the purposes of a business carried on by them " it was held to be sufficient for them to show that they would need at least part of the premises before the date on which the lease would otherwise have expired by effluxion of time ( Parkinson v Barclays Bank Ltd [ 1951 ] 1 KB 368 ) .
21 Tory rebels queued to warn that they would sabotage efforts to put the treaty through Parliament .
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