Example sentences of "[to-vb] that it does n't " in BNC.

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1 The church is to be distinctive from the rest of the world ; people around us are familiar with a way of life where rank and wealth matter , and people want to achieve what they think matters — only to find that it does n't satisfy them ; God 's people are to have a way of life which is based on equality in God 's sight , and not be measured in terms of social standing .
2 The divide in English studies seems to be between those who want to bring the rift out into the open , and those who prefer to pretend that it does n't exist .
3 ‘ To keep the whole thing in the right perspective , you have to remember that it does n't necessarily matter what a manager decides , the service that the resident receives is actually given by the care assistant .
4 The mother will protect it from predators , such as eagles , and will try to ensure that it does n't fall down the mountainside by always standing on the downhill side of it .
5 But try and be positive about it , and say , ‘ Yes , this , I have to say this is a bad situation , , it 's not a situation which has occurred before , we are taking very positive steps to ensure that it does n't happen again , we have prosecuted Mr X , we have done whatever is appropriate . ’
6 Right erm I would just like to mention that it does n't say here that the A P C have set up er a separate er lobby group erm on which I have the honour to be a member with Patrick er to try and influence the MPs because one of the things which er is coming out and it 's it 's actually shown in paragraph three point three A at the bottom , the questioning whether the demand should be necessarily met or whether in fact , and this links to the government 's present erm reluctance to direct airlines to work from current unused capacity for example at , at erm at Luton and I think that there may well be some pressure put that er we should try and change that .
7 Erm , we need to be convincing in challenge , otherwise the challenge , erm , we should question whether there is a need for any change , erm , if things have been done in a certain way for a certain period of time , erm , just because we want to change them , does n't mean to say that it does n't
8 It 's almost worth advertising alcohol just to preserve the lobbying the brewers indulge in to prove that it does n't encourage young people to drink , just for the sight of their endless statistics that prove that all this money they spend on advertising is n't making anybody buy their product : run this by me again , why are you doing it ?
9 I put it down obediently although a childish urge in me wants to play with it as long as I like , just to prove that it does n't necessarily end up with me stupidly spearing myself .
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