Example sentences of "[to-vb] that it [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Man himself has to decide on the nature of ‘ goodness ’ , and to accept that it has to be found within the life on earth as it actually is .
2 She did n't know very much about romance , to be sure , just enough to know that it seemed to be a force that did not like to be tamed and squeezed into the orderly compartments of people 's lives .
3 Kate felt inordinately pleased at his offer , even though she was astute enough to know that it came from a desire for any company , rather than hers specifically .
4 The more distant in time an issue is to current industry concerns , the more difficult it is for managers to establish that it applies to their business in some significant way ( relevancy ) and that it should be addressed now ( urgency ) .
5 Thus we have a situation where data is not transformed into information , ie what staff need is information that addresses a specific need or objective of their job , and what typically they receive is a mass of data not properly tailored to their needs and so difficult to penetrate that it falls into disuse .
6 However , I do not wish to claim that it follows from this that observation statements should play no role in science .
7 He refused to elaborate on his message except to confirm that it fell within the framework of UN Security Council resolutions , and that it had been delivered to an Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister , Sa'adoun Hammadi , who had visited Tehran on Feb. 1-3 .
8 One response to this choice might be to suggest that it depends on the type of dispute in question .
9 She felt even sorrier for him with that stammer when he went up to read the first lesson , and had to announce that it came from the eighth chapter of Deuteronomy , a word which took him four goes .
10 Clara was not at all sure what a gallery was , but from the conversation she managed to deduce that it dealt in paintings , and unlike the Tate and the National Gallery , dealt commercially .
11 It is to be hoped that all steam enthusiasts will perhaps make an effort to support this railway at some time during the present season to help to ensure that it remains in being into the future .
12 We review our package each year to ensure that it remains in line with the best in the industry .
13 We have had considerable difficulty in the current year , in meeting the demand upon children 's services , and we have met those difficulties , in no small part , from the use of carry forwards within the year , and before you come to looking at reductions in services on the salmon papers , the children 's service is going to , and in fact is doing a redirection of its funding to ensure that it stays within its base budget in future years .
14 Both management and unions tend to keep a tight grip on local activity to ensure that it keeps to national agreements and to avoid the embarrassment and disruption of uncontrolled local initiatives .
15 When an output of the company is in the form of large quantities of interchangeable items it becomes uneconomical to test each one to ensure that it conforms to specification , so tests are carried out on samples .
16 When an output of the company is in the form of large quantities of interchangeable items it becomes uneconomical to test each one to ensure that it conforms to specification , so tests are carried out on samples .
17 Subsequently , at a speech to UNICE on 22 July , Gillian Shephard , the British employment secretary and current chair of the EC Council of Social Affairs Ministers , stated that the Government will be reviewing European Community legislation on social and employment matters to ensure that it conforms with the principle of ‘ subsidiarity ’ .
18 Because DVI is a programmable technique it will be possible to revise its algorithms with little difficulty to ensure that it conforms with MPEG requirements when they are known .
19 In particular to ensure that land that is restored to agriculture , forestry or amenity uses can be managed in a suitable way for a period after the restoration itself is complete to ensure that it returns to a proper level of productivity by an ‘ after-care ’ condition .
20 Likewise any project or assignment needs a system of control to ensure that it proceeds in the manner designed .
21 And drastic measures are needed in the Serious Fraud Office , set up last year , to ensure that it moves at something more than a glacial pace .
22 It defines its own management system to ensure that it complies with the Group policy and is relevant to its business .
23 ‘ I have to believe that it comes from angels , or spirit beings . ’
24 The farming industry must tell the public at large and be seen to demonstrate that it cares about providing quality food which is produced with high animal welfare standards and protection of the environment .
25 If so , the fact that a dependence thesis is true of theoretical authorities is strong evidence to suppose that it holds for practical authorities as well .
26 It 's rather nice to think that it happened in that way , that it was done overnight .
27 The name of ‘ Derrida ’ has been used in such a way as to imply that it refers to a real person who has certain ideas and theories which he has expressed in various books and essays , and which this introduction has tried to repeat , treating them as signifieds that can be represented in a number of different forms .
28 One tries to explain that it happens on the odd occasion , at Question Time , which is not a great parliamentary occasion , and that is what the media pick up .
29 On second thoughts , it might be better to say that it goes without saying that linguistic communication is a matter of conveying ideas or thoughts .
30 For example , if we consider the English phoneme , it is easy to show that it differs from the plosives and in its place of articulation ( alveolar ) , from in being lenis , from and in not being fricative , from in not being nasal , and so on .
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