Example sentences of "[to-vb] that [det] [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Lang remains convinced that savings are still there to be made even though he appears to accept that these will be less than originally envisaged .
2 His mate was never to know that this could be anything more than wishful thinking .
3 Some research in this area seems to indicate that this may be due to perception of the father as the more powerful figure ( according to the classic structure of our society ) , with the result of greater ambiguity in seeing the mother as a desirable model for identification .
4 The very first phrase is enough to suggest that this will be an outstanding recital , and so , on the whole , it proves .
5 Therefore , either the acoustic-phonetic component must reduce the phoneme graph depth further while still guaranteeing the inclusion of the target phoneme in all successive vertical slots in the graph — but it would be optimistic to suggest that this will be possible in the foreseeable future — or else , lexical and post-lexical processing must be enriched to constrain further the alternative number of derived word strings .
6 National Power Plc initially tried to suggest that this could be done under its existing licence to burn oil .
7 It seems strange , moreover , that Professor Williams fails to mention male rape fantasies or to suggest that these might be considered in assessing whether the defendant was prepared to override the victim 's wishes .
8 She watched him anxiously while waiting to hear that this would be too much to expect .
9 People who are ‘ at risk ’ of having mentally handicapped children can be advised of this , and it is safe to assume that some may be deterred from proceeding to have a child .
10 Therefore it is easy to assume that this must be a deliberate , callous attempt to inflict hurt .
11 Their three-year run of 17 Test wins equals the All Black record , and it takes no great clairvoyant skill to predict that this will be broken against Wales on 4 November and extended against Ireland a fortnight later .
12 Again it is crucial to stress that this can be a lengthy process taking some months or years depending on circumstances , availability of help and a number of other variables .
13 The need to combat competition seems to ensure that this will be the path that is followed .
14 There is no evidence to believe that this would be so .
15 If an order for the child 's attendance is not complied with or the court has reasonable cause to believe that this will be the case , it may seek police assistance .
16 I was too unsure of myself to believe that this could be possible .
17 One of the problems with Heelas ' excellent discussion ( this volume ) is that while he develops the ambiguities concerning intentionality in our own concept of ‘ aggression ’ very well , he does not seem to recognize that this may be a very general feature of related concepts in other cultures .
18 Am I to understand that this will be a continuous joint effort until one of you manages to send out news ? ’
19 That 's a massive outlay , and you could talk about relative values till the cows come home , but whatever your conclusions on that score , you 'd have to concede that this would be a superb setup , and with the TriAxis at the heart of the system you 'd be pumping out large quantities of excellent sounds …
20 But medical opinion seems to hold that both should be treated as though they were .
21 But the important decisions … well , it stands to reason that these would be the sole responsibility of the man .
22 Outside London we were the first L E A to realise that this would be necessary .
23 Jill returned , saying that it was Mrs Mellings , for her father , and it took Alice some moments to realise that this must be her mother , not the new Mrs Mellings , who at this moment would be already on her way to the pleasures of a weekend in Kent .
24 That was a general possibility and there was no reason to suppose that that would be the conclusion .
25 I venture to add that this must be the greatest labour of love that anyone can render to a friend .
26 Still , Michael Ramsey , being Ramsey , had to think that this might be the will of God for him .
27 It is easy to say that all should be treated equally , but as the paper by McKerlie well illustrates ‘ equally ’ may carry a variety of different interpretations and outcomes for different individuals .
28 The judge went on to say that this would be the case for any dispute whether of fact or law , and that there was no rule of public policy preventing parties from agreeing to remit a question of law to the exclusive and final jurisdiction of an expert .
29 This is work they are able to do little about , despite public faith , and it is unpopular because of a reluctance or inability to display that little will be done .
30 Locke 's defenders are unwilling to admit that this might be so .
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