Example sentences of "[to-vb] that [pron] have [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How considerate of you , ’ she responded with a choked laugh , ‘ it 's so reassuring to know that you have my welfare at heart .
2 It had n't taken her long to discover that they had nothing whatsoever in common .
3 To go out and glean then , would be an acknowledgement for everybody to see that they had nothing .
4 Grumble as they might about the Masai 's unbudging attachment to their traditional ways , many administrators , particularly in the later years , came to see that it had its advantages .
5 According to Henderson ( 1979 ) , ‘ no school can reasonably be so bold as to suggest that it has nothing to learn from other schools , from professional teacher-trainers or from educational scholarship and research ’ .
6 After watching the eye movements of subjects during REM sleep , and then obtaining reports from them of intense visual imagery , it seems only natural to assume that one has something to do with the other .
7 But it is charitable to assume that it has something to do with the kind of critic that Pound is .
8 It is also easier to assume that you have someone 's undivided attention when you talk to them on the ‘ phone .
9 And the shopkeeper who supplies goods to a married woman without inquiry is not entitled to assume that she has her husband 's authority .
10 Individuals from pressure groups , or at least representing specific interests , secure entry into the ranks of those who exercise power by virtue not only of expertise but also of personal qualities , such as persistence and charm , which enable them to persuade that they have something to contribute to public decision making .
11 We tend to view ourselves as physical beings only and to deny that we have anything in the way of a soul or spirit .
12 They 're too embarrassed to actually part with them and so you have this very difficult decision as to whether to insist that you have their laundry or whether you allow them to go on doing that , causing them to live in a smelly environment .
13 And to ensure that everything has its place , we 've provided a storage compartment beneath the oven , with ample room for the meat tin that is supplied with the Apex .
14 Unfortunately for the Patent Office , the advertising agency failed to ensure that it had its facts right — and the Patent Office did not check the agency 's new advertisement .
15 Javad v Aquil [ 1991 ] All ER 243 confirms that the concept of a tenancy at will remains a reality and while the landlord may be concerned that the tenant should not become a periodic tenant until the grant of the lease , the tenant may wish to ensure that it has something more concrete than a tenancy at will .
16 The support of the press was seen as being vital and every manager was expected to ensure that he had his local newspapers on his side , but even this was not enough .
17 Adam briefly described how the triple portrait had been slashed and added , ‘ D' you really expect me to believe that you had nothing to do with it ?
18 But martial arts historians tend to believe that it has its origins almost 5,000 years ago .
19 We are not daft , we know how we want to live , we only needed an opportunity like this to get our ideas and solutions on the drawing board in a way that enabled these people to understand that we have our own form of expertise . ’
20 erm I mean I think if you dragged it in by its heels there is a message there , in that erm the struggle , again coming back to the university , that young people face in a competitive society , in an attempt to express themselves , to demonstrate that they have something to give and that no matter how difficult the whole economic circumstances are , and how problematical the question of employment is , young people are entitled , or society ought to see that they 're entitled , erm to some manner of expression , some form of expression , to express themselves .
21 As an analytical philosopher Honderich is keen to explore the logic of Conservatism and to demonstrate that it has none , but at the same time he engages with the history of Conservative ideas .
22 But I am ready to bet that it had something to do with the trajectory , the pathway through the real-life equivalent of Biomorph Land , that would have to be traversed in order to turn the retina the right way round , starting from whatever ancestral organ preceded the eye .
23 I was glad to be able to say that we had something for them in return — we were bringing a distinguished visitor in the person of George Turner , a Llangollen stationmaster in BR days , before the line was closed .
24 You may be dissatisfied with your reflection in the mirror but you do have to admit that it has its good points !
25 Israel , justifiably proud of its military prowess , has had to admit that it has nothing special to offer .
26 She put her finger to her lips and he watched in astonishment as she opened her dressing to reveal that she had nothing on .
27 Viola Machin , torn between a desire to protest that she had nothing to hide , and a feeling that she had , said at last , reluctantly : ‘ Well , yes , that 's true : and I 'm grateful to you for that , Hilda . ’
28 In ‘ The disappearance ’ , Imamu has to prove that he had nothing to do with Perk 's disappearance by finding her dead body in someone else 's house having been murdered by that person and Boo has to risk his own life in order to save that of Scout 's before his most ignorant neighbours realise he 's not a squirrel eating monster .
29 A certain amount of rivalry and competition is natural , but all children need to feel that they have their own special talents and that they are not always being measured against brothers or sisters and found wanting .
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