Example sentences of "[to-vb] that [pron] [be] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 However , whilst I remain suspicious of Hick 's cosy position , it may be possible to accept that there is something approaching a common theistic structure among a number of the world 's religious traditions .
2 As a theory of law it requires us to accept that there is something intrinsically moral in the legal method .
3 Now a lot of people when that was first mentioned said ‘ I do n't need that , it 's all right you can look at them if you want to ’ , but afterwards , half-way through their course , they wanted to know that they were theirs and other people would n't see them and have this reassurance that if they wanted to watch it and then wipe it blank , or if they wanted to wipe it blank without ever having seen it themselves , they could do that and no-one was going to ask ‘ What 's going on ? ’ .
4 The only real reason you get to know that there 's somebody there because you can see the legs and the sort of , sort of head , but yo it does tend to get a bit lost against the background .
5 P.S. I would like for Monica Seles ' fans to know that there 's nothing personal in my mentioning her , but given the circumstances I think I am right in using her as she did n't commit herself to the Tour Events much last year .
6 North Yorkshire offers excellent possibilities for challenging walking but it 's also good to know that there 's plenty to do close at hand when the weather turns moorland expeditions into exercises in masochism .
7 nevertheless it was nice nice to know that there 's someone .
8 To know that there 's someone going to buy your crop over a long period of time , or part of your crop , ideally , over a long period of time , does help people to plan ahead .
9 You may want your partner to know that there is something important you want to discuss , so that you can both make time in advance .
10 One 42-year-old market trader who did not want to be named , said : ‘ It is good to know that there is someone who is doing something about the problem . ’
11 ‘ It is nice to know that there is someone to help fight your cause when you need it , ’ added Mr Kelly .
12 But Dalgliesh had n't needed his private source of department gossip to know that there was nothing of this limp subservience about Paul Berowne .
13 ‘ My lord , I have good reason to know that it was you who said a word for me in his Grace 's ear , and gave me this day for thought , and even offered me arguments I was not wise enough to find for myself .
14 Just to know that he was there could bring a smile to the face and to know now that he was n't brought an ineffable sadness to them all .
15 ‘ Valentine , you 're a real winner , ’ proclaimed the front of the card , followed with ‘ … and you 'll be pleased to know that I 'm your prize ! ’ as the message inside .
16 It 's really made my day , to discover that there 's someone in the world who still does n't know who the seven major shareholders in GEC , Westinghouse , Con Edison , NBC , and CBS are ! ’
17 Furious , he got up to complain to his neighbour , only to discover that it was his own dog which he had accidently shut outside before going to bed .
18 But often the- when they were in small houses where they had to do everything , erm they tended to find that they were they were expected to sort of skivvy much more .
19 He had ignored everything she had said previously to indicate that there was nothing between her and Florian , so why should tonight be any different ?
20 Everything seemed to indicate that it was our friend Argol , or some flunkey of his .
21 Eric 's name was not given but it was not difficult to guess that it was him .
22 All the grammar does is to signal that there is one .
23 ‘ You ca n't tell him you 're not a professional ! ’ she snapped , and , muttering something that sounded uncomfortably like ‘ wet behind the ears ’ , ‘ You 've got to pretend that you 're me — Cara Kingsdale ! ’ she insisted .
24 ‘ Why do you continue to pretend that there is nothing more between us than a common interest in two wayward adolescents ? ’
25 It was ridiculous to pretend that there was anything immoral about the cinema .
26 I was trying to pretend that there were lots of people loving us there .
27 ‘ It does n't take a psychologist to see that it 's you who 's running . ’
28 After my fourth or fifth lesson I was able to see that it was I who was causing myself the discomfort .
29 Surely any fool should be able to see that there is something wrong with a child like that .
30 I am not inferring from what I see that there is a sheep in the field ; I take myself simply to see that there is one .
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